Showing posts with label rainbow bridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainbow bridge. Show all posts


Farewell Friday

Come visit me from now on at the Cats P.

I would like to dedicate my final post to my lovely Charmer Bonnie who crossed to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday.

The Woman took this picture a few months back right on our front porch. All three of us were out there with her and were enjoying the early Spring air and shower. The fresh sniffs of the wet ground and the daffodils poking their heads out of the ground. All of a sudden this amazing rainbow showed up right outside our window. (Even more amazing the Woman was able to capture it).

For a brief moment we all looked out the window and listened to the rain and stared at the beauty in front of our small corner of this planet. I know that so many of our friends are at the Bridge looking over us. I think this moment sums up my feelings on life- it is fleeting and beautiful but the memory never fades. I'll see you someday my Bonnie and while I never met you in life I'll know you immediately at the Bridge.

All of my Charmers are special to me (truly, you all have such amazing qualities) but Bonnie was one of the originals, in fact one of 2 who inspired me to start the Charmers. I will never forget her. Because of her my Woman discovered Celiac's Disease which was making her so unhealthy and miserable without knowing what was wrong. Bonnie's mom told her about it and for that we are all eternally grateful. Bonnie changed all of our lives.


Today I lost a very special friend, the well adored Bonnie. One of my most devoted Charmers has crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. I am beyond sad about this loss. Everyone please purr for her safe crossing over to the Rainbow Bridge. We had so much in common and I admired her spunk and spirit. Sleep well sweetest princess.