Showing posts with label big man cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big man cat. Show all posts


Here's looking at you...

The Woman's useless and of course I suffer. At least I had her go dig out a handsome picture of me. Sigh...


Man Cat Monday

You know why I'm hitting the nip so hard?? Because I'm locked in a room with Kaze and Latte and we have to share this space forever it seems like. Eh, really I don't mind being in the guest room but Kaze and Latte are so ooglyeyed over knowing what is going on that they're freaking out. Well Kaze mainly. And by freaking out I mean trying to break out when the door opens. Little witch just scared the crap out of me playing in her tent......Anyway, yup there's paint, yup there were dusty paw marks on the new 'spensive couches so we're up here until the paint is "touchable". Then again tomorrow the trim has to be painted. I can't wait for this to be over as Kaze things I'm her attack toy.


Terrified Tuesday

Yesterday I showed my manly side, today I'm showing my softer side. We had some thunderstorms roll in and the Woman wanted to show all of my friends how scared I get. Obviously one more reason the Woman is NOT my favorite. But being a Big Man Cat means showing your flaws too so here you go. Chase the Man Cat is scared of thunder.

First I start with my head in the corner.

Then I slink up the stairs and hide behind the bathroom door.