Showing posts with label Man Cat Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Man Cat Monday. Show all posts


Man Cat Monday

This week we're going to transition over to our new blog The Cats P. This week we'll be doing dual posts and by next Monday I'll be seeing you over there. Its been an amazing solo run but its time to share. Mondays are MINE of course.

Talk about bad weekend. The woman freshly cleaned out the boxes so I went in to poo. Well I kind of had the stinky squirts. So she cleaned that out again and about 10 minutes later she was upstairs cleaning and smelled my squirts. She went sniffing around and found that I must have had them stuck in a hind paw because I had tracked poo EVERYWHERE. This was not a good time for this as my Awesome Man was in a cranky mood. He told her some mean things about me and I ended up on the back deck having my paw bathed while I was held down. Then the Woman had to go over to Gamma's house and get the giant carpet cleaner thing and then all of our carpets got all wet. Oh, and my AM is still cranky so really, it could have been a much better weekend.


Man Cat Monday

Part of being so many is being so fierce. This means I have to practice really hard with my Awesome Man at my speedy fighting skills. He's really good at the Bite Game. He puts his hand on my head and I have to try and wriggle around to bite him. One of these days I'm going to win. Never mind its been 8 years I've been trying. Usually I can snag a tooth every now and then but generally I have to run after him and nip his heels on his way o the shower.


Man Cat Monday


Shh...Man Cat sleeping.  I have to recover from my frisky weekend.  I can't believe its Monday already, it doesn't seem possible.  My Awesome Man didn't let me rub on his legs while he was eating- what's up with that???


Man Cat Monday


See I'm still fierce and active.  I just only get active when there is a reason to be active.  Like this package from my very HOT Charmer Empress.  Gosh she's a looker, she's my newest Charmer and is very welcome to the group with some wonderful company of other hot lady cats.  Empress sent me a package for my birthday which was sweet because the Awesome Man completely forgot and my Woman....we all know how useful she is (NOT).  So I got some great toys and a card and some of my favorite Temptations.  


Man Cat Monday- I'm back!


I'm back!  Finally after a completely neglectful week I moved into a neglectful weekend.  Finally today is Monday and the world is back to normal.  

Do you want to know how horribly I was treated this past week?  I'm not sure you do.  First of all you all know that I was unable to visit any friends last week but then.....THEN!!!  I was locked in the sleeping room for 12 hours.  TWELVE HOURS!!!!!  I'm sorry, how could the Awesome Man not see me?  He checks every day usually.  Those humans are completely lucky that I'm a good cat- a VERY good cat.  I did not pee or poo anywhere in that room.  I just waited patiently until he got home and then I left a STINKY poo in the litter box.  

Please someone call the ASPCA!!!

(I will be visiting today!!)


Man Cat Monday


Fresh air!  I was thrilled for about 30 seconds and then I spent the rest of my weekend sleeping.  Lots of nice naps.  Oh, and I did snuggle with the Woman on Sunday morning- I even nuzzled in her neck and purred.  But then my Awesome Man woke up so I went over to him for some front-hugs and tail-poof.


Man Cat Monday


Do you see where I am???!! I'm on the back deck. That's right- Out of Doors! The AM decided that I was too furry to brush inside so they took me on the deck. I used to be able to fit through the rungs of the deck and I'm not really sure why I can't anymore. The Woman said it had something to do with my "not fitting in a speedo" thing that the VET said to me last time I was there.

But hey, if you happen to see a very large cloud of Chase fur floating by your house that wouldn't surprise me. I think its hovering somewhere over the mid-west right about now.

Woman: You totally forgot today was my "birthday". I hate you even more now. Snap's going to kick you tonight as its her actual birthday.


Man Cat Monday


I'm trying EVERY angle with the Woman to get her back in front of the blogging computer- where she belongs.  I've even taken to *gasp* snuggling with her and purring.  Hey, I have to try everything I can.  It seems that this week should be easier on her but I just don't buy it.  I just can't trust that human.  I do feel my niceness has been noticed though as I've been allowed in the snuggle room all night long without the meezers.  Thats nice.


Man Cat Monday

As the Big Man Cat I get to investigate stuff first.  This is a rubber band.  (Fear not, the Woman supervised and took it away after this. )  I tried to eat this thing and of course the little wite rat came over and tried to take it for her own.  She's so freaking snoopy and nosey.  She thinks she has to be involved in everything.  Anyhow, here you can see how much bigger I am than her.  Hehe  


Man Cat Monday

I hear Latte's been saying that I don't think he's a Man Cat. Well he's certainly not a Big Man Cat, I think you can clearly see that here. The little guy is cute and tiny and I don't think he could be a Big Man Cat even if he tried. He squeaks instead of yowls (Hey, I may meew on my way to the VET but that's all out warfare- I try everything), he is so freaking fragile, and he likes the Woman. Real Man Cats do not like the Woman more than the Awesome Man. That's just crazy. And he likes to snuggle with Kaze. Plus there is only room for one Man Cat in this house and that would be yours truly.

Friends I'm so sorry I haven't commented much. The Woman kept promising "tomorrow" everyday last week. We are following everything, but commenting should resume hopefully this week.

Oh, Happy 10 years together Awesome Man and Woman. I'm happy to say I've lived with you for 8 of them.


Man Cat Monday

We got out on the sun porch this weekend.  It was POURING rain on Saturday with crazy crazy wind so it was really nice to sit out the front porch with the AM & the Woman.  Of course she brought the flashy box to catch my handsomeness.  I found this most pleasing so I allowed her to take pictures of me.  I think she does have a talent for catching my handsome sides.  But don't tell her I said that.


Man Cat Monday

Do you know what my Awesome Man did to me? He kicked me in the head! Now he swears it was an accident but it was SO rude. I was just trying to rub on him and give him some love and he moved away and clocked me in the head! Well I showed him, if he doesn't want to take my love, I can just give it to the Woman. She will always let me rub on her and acts like its such a big deal. I should probably be a bit nicer to her in general.


Man Cat Monday

A real Man Cat can wear claw polish. I'm just deciding if this is my best color. What color do you think would be best?

A. Rodent Red
B. Temptation Tan
C. Catnip Green

Look out for some really active Man Cat shots coming this Leap Week. I was VERY active this weekend!


Man Cat Monday

NASCAR got a run for the money with Sammy Meezer behind the wheel. I was lucky enough to be his Crew Chief for the fast paced race! I think it was going to be pretty hard to catch the 18 car but Sammy did an incredible job.

And in the end, my Awesome Man was the real winner as a die hard Ryan Newman fan. Watching the 12 car finish like that made our house very happy. Its been over 2 years since he's had a win so this is just great!!!


Man Cat Monday

Dudes. The Awesome Man (and Woman) went to visit my old stomping grounds up in Massachusetts and didn't bring me. They even drove past my old VET. So I was left at home with the rats for way too long. At least the Woman's mother came over and furminated me. That was nice. What wasn't nice was being stuck with two rats who hadn't been played with for a week. They were very very annoying. I have to go though because I need my Awesome Man time.


Man Cat Monday

Stupid white rat thinks she is snuggling with me. Ha! I was just comfortable enough to not mind her little head on my back for a bit. Don't worry, it didn't last long before I left.

The Awesome Man said he's not happy with me. He thinks I'm "kind of mean" and wishes I would be nicer to Kaze and Latte. Well, specifically Latte. I mean, I don't really like to be snuggled on these days so whenever another cat gets in my space I just leave. This hurts little Latte's feelings. I'm not mean though, I'm just particular.

Oh, I weigh 13 lbs. Latte weighs 8 lbs. and Kaze weighs 8.5 lbs. But its not really a matter of weight as I'm a Big Man Cat, Latte is tiny and Kaze is LLLOOOOOONNNG and tall.


Man Cat Monday in Memory of Caesar

I am very very sad about Caesar crossing to the Rainbow Bridge. Please go visit Prinnie and his Mom. In honor of his wonderful spirit I dedicate my Man Cat Monday post to him.

What an exhausting weekend. The Awesome Man was pretty much miserable since his servers (which I think he loves almost as much as me and certainly more that the Woman) almost melted into pools of metal. He happened to go in to the office to find them overheating and the AC off. This means a miserable Awesome Man. So I tried to be patient with him but eventually I had to head-butt him and let him know I wanted attention. And bacon. I mean really though, how dare he eat bacon and not give me some??


300th Post on Man Cat Monday

You know what's fun? Banging on the closet door when the humans are sleeping. This will cause your Woman to bolt out of bed at 4am thinking you're locked in there and your Man to call your name in annoyance and roll over. Its fun. Hehe.


Man Cat Monday

The Awesome Man watched the Birdies yesterday for no reason (the Eagles last game of the season). They won but it wasn't a game that mattered. I kept trying to tell the Awesome Man to just stop and pet me by head-butting his butt. I kept butting him to get his attention but he just told me to go away. Sigh....even with tail-poof he kept leaving me for the anti-cat room with the dark-de-tailer. He has new loud boxes that he's setting up. I hate when he gets new things for his Fun Room, it means he as less time for me.


Merry Man Cat Miracle Monday!

Just when I thought I wasn't going to get anything worthwhile after our Secret Paws this year a package arrived with my name on it first! And while it was for all of us, I know its really for me. It was from my Special Charmer Bonnie. She sent me some more of those great nip canes, mousies, temptations (my favorite flavor of course), jingle toys, an awesome thing with a long tail, and a cool custom stocking! Plus.....her picture. Ah....Bonnie....purr....