Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Golden Gate

The last time we drove across the bridge the fog was rolling over it.  While that was really cool to see, it was also fun to see it on a beautful clear day.  We drove across the bridge then parked  in the viewing area.  Grandma and grandpa were pooped and it was pretty chili outside so me and Dan took the kids to the first pillar of the bridge.  It was amazing to walk it and realize how long and high up it is.  The boys had fun looking down in the water for sharks.
 This one is going on my wall....LOVE!!!
 Sawyer took one look over the edge and kept saying, "woah" and stayed close to mama and daddy.
Beautiful San Francisco in the background.
We were frozen when we got back to the car.  We headed back toward home and stopped at Applebee's along the way to eat dinner.  It was such a fun day and we were sad to say goodbye to grandma and grandpa as they had to leave first thing the next morning.

Fun in the City

I love it when I get a phone call from my parents asking me if I care if they come visit on the spur of the moment.  Always my answer is, "heck ya!" Mason was sick on their first day here (Friday) so for the most part it was grandpa hanging with the boys (a.k.a. napping) while me and mom shopped.  That night we got to go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner to help celebrate my parents anniversary.  There were so many people that they ended up sitting us at two separate tables.  My parents had the two older boys and loved it because they both ordered steak and my dad was sure there would be a lot of leftovers.  But, true to form those two boys licked their plates clean and then went on to dessert!  They are definitely meat eaters.  Saturday was spent in the cold watching soccer for most of the day.  We hung out that night watching the new Spider-man movie eating tons of popcorn:)
Sunday we had our Primary Program in church.  It was so fun for the kids to have grandma and grandpa in the audience.  They each had their parts memorized perfectly and I was so proud.  It was such a neat meeting. 
After church we debated what we should do...the original plan was to head into San Fran.  My dad was having reservations (4 kids in the city....who can blame him), but with the sun shining and the sky without fog we knew we had a rare sunny day so into the city we went. 
First thing on our agenda was to drive down Lombard Street.

 Next was the kite store.  The kids could have spent forever in here.  I still remember the first time I came to San Francisco as a kid and picked out my dragon kite.  It took me about a million stores before I picked the right one out.  I'm sure these guys will be the same.  Nobody ended up getting any kites, but now it is on our must do list:)
 We had a lot of fun walking around Pier 39.  There weren't a ton of Sea Lions but the kids could have sat there all day and watched them.  Grandma had fun taking the kids into the puppet shops and checking out the yummy crepes.  We stopped in at the candy store and got some salt water taffy and fudge...mmmm.
 I was hoping the Trolley Car would come closer but it sat there for too long.  We didn't dare go on the trolley because it was a little too cold.  So, that's also on our to-do list.
Parker was excited to point out to Mason that his name was written in the sidewalk!!  Who knew he was so famous;-)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Ironbirds

 The boys had their first baseball game tonight.  After a month of practicing, they were ready to play!  Mason played Tball when he was 4, but niether of them have played since then (I guess I just like to have my summers open).  But this year they wanted to try it and I figured we were here in Illinois so its not like we're going to miss out on any family activities.  Plus, the way they group their ages, it worked out that they are on the same team! 

 Parker up to bat.
 Mason's turn...
 Mason as the catcher
Parker at 1st.
....and then this beauty headed our way.  The storms here are amazing!  They have lightning monitors at the field, so the alarm went off and we had to sit out and wait.  After 15 minutes they called the game.  The boys were bummed, but they had so much fun.  They decided they really like baseball.
As we were waiting for the all clear, the kids were running around chasing each other.  Of course, Sophia was right in the middle of it.  She doesn't miss out on much.

Getting Big

Sophia got a big girl bike for her birthday this year.  She loved it, but was a little disappointed that it didn't have a basket and tassels on the handles.  So, when I was at the store and came across this Barbie kit I knew she would love it.  She was so excited and rode it around on the back patio all day long.  She kept coming inside trying to think of things that she needed for her a notebook and pencil to write down important things and her fruit snack in case she gets hungry.

 Of course this little guy thinks he can do anything the big kids do.  All day long he just wanted to sit up on Sophia's bike.  He also likes to eat his breakfast just like the big kids.  They all have waffles with peanut butter on it in the morning so now Sawyer throws a fit if he doesn't get to do the same thing.  He also has to sit at the big kid table (no way I can get him to sit in his highchair).  He's growing too fast.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Circus!


Our primary had an Easter egg hunt for the kids at a nearby park.  It looked like it might rain, but luckily the good weather held out. 
Sawyer figured it out fast.  His first egg busted open and he got a taste of jellybeans!  It was hard to get him moving after that.  He was just content to sit and eat.
 She woke up saying it was going to be a good day because of the Easter egg hunt.  This has been the highlight of her week.  It did not disappoint and I think she had half of her bucket eaten by the time we got home.  She is, after all, a self-proclaimed eater of "crap."
 For the boys it was all business.  They were intensely looking.  They had a lot of fun but sure missed grandma's Easter egg hunt we've done for the past 3 or so years.
Mason was checking out each egg and throwing the chocolate ones back.
He hung out with daddy.  Such a daddy's boy.
 All in all it was great.  What was even better was knowing that we were following up the day of egg hunting with the circus!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Very Good Friday

The kids got today off from school for Good Friday.  We started it off right with Belgian Waffles with whip cream and strawberries. 

 ...then filled the rest of the day making tents with blankets in the basement and of course....crafts!  When Grandma H. was here we had bought these paper mache eggs for the kids to decorate, but we had waaaayyyy too much going on with grandma to do them then, so we busted them out and the kids got creative!
I love my little crafting kids!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Keeping Boredom at Bay

The winter months can be so long and boring sometimes.  Here's a few things we are doing around the house to keep ourselves entertained.

 Sophia loves to have things organized.  If she goes to the bathroom she won't come back out for a long time because while she's in there she will put all of my makeup away (in very specific spots).  She organizes the bobby pins, rubber bands, hairspray and then will wipe off the counter.  It is AWESOME!  So, the other day she organized my tupperware drawer and then pulled up a chair as I was doing the dishes.  She told me that she could finish them all by herself.  And she did.  Yesterday I loaded up on groceries then came home and had nowhere to put them.  So, she helped me clean out and organize my pantry.  Now if we could only get the boys to do the same...and trust me, she's given them plenty of lectures about it!
These two are loving our old iPhones.  I've downloaded a few new games for each of them and they have so much fun playing and of course competing for the highest scores.  I love that if I buy a game I can put it on my phone and both of their phones.  Its like buy one, get two free!  Definitely helps to beat the winter doldrums.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First day of dance

When we first moved here, it was too late to sign her up for any dance classes.  Luckily, they had open enrollment after Christmas and I was able to sign her up for a ballet/tap class.  She has asked almost every day how much longer til dance starts.  She was extra excited when she came home from preschool and I showed her the clothes and shoes I bought her for dance.  She asked about every 10 minutes if it was time to go!  I was just as excited as her :)  She LOVED the class and was so excited when we got there and two of her preschool classmates were in her class.  We got home and she showed me all of her new moves.  I think we have a dancer on our hands!

Sunday, October 9, 2011