The Funk's

The Funk's

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Family of four

We can hardly believe we have two kids! It was probably one of the sweetest things of this experience to see Nixon meet his baby sister Hazel. There was definitely a sweet spirit in the room when Nixon walked in and first saw her. He kept saying, "Oh cute," and continued this saying for the first month of her life. He wanted to touch, kiss and hold her (at least for the first 15 minutes). After that, it was all about pushing the buttons and finding things to get into :)  
 We had baby Hazel "give" Nixon a gift that he got to unwrap. He thought it was pretty neat. 
 By this time, I felt like getting ready and getting out of the hospital room for a bit. We took Hazel on a little ride and Nixon liked pushing the cart. We also found a fun train set in the waiting room for Nixon to play with. 
 On the second day in the hospital, it was just Hazel and I in the morning and the light was beautiful so I decided to take some pictures of the little princess. 

Our family of four leaving the hospital...Welcome home baby Hazel!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Hazel Jane Funk

She is here! Hazel Jane Funk was born on November 29, 2013 at 3:25 AM. She weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz., 20 1/4 inches long, and was two weeks early! She has the roundest cheeks and rolls all over. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I couldn't be more grateful for a healthy baby. It was a perfect way to celebrate Thanksgiving and realize how incredibly thankful we are for the opportunity we have been given to be parents to another of one of our Heavenly Father's children. 
 We enjoyed most of the Thanksgiving holiday with just our little family. Cooking a full Thanksgiving dinner from scratch never sounded appealing to me being 38 weeks pregnant so we decided to go out to eat. We tried to make reservations at a few places but everything was full by the time we decided to check on it. Lucky for us Golden Corral was open and we didn't need a reservation. We had sort of a white trashy Thanksgiving but it was great to get to show up and eat :)
I had two contractions every hour all day but honestly I just thought they were strong braxton hicks. When we got home from eating, we put Nixon down for a nap and I tried to sleep. The contractions were strong enough that they were waking me up but I still slept a little bit. I thought maybe I had just eaten too much at lunch and was having some indigestion which is pretty comical looking back on the whole thing. By 5 pm I started timing them and they were so random and sporadic that I kept telling myself it wasn't it. They were so painful so I was really confused. We called the Midwife at 11pm and she listened to me have a contraction over the phone and told us we could come in if we wanted but didn't sound too concerned yet. Then I really thought I wasn't in labor. I called my mom right after, she listened to me have a contraction, and she said, "I think you need to go in." So neat that my mom knows me that well! I also told her that I was pretty sure the baby was turned wrong because of all the back labor I was having. As soon as I got off the phone with her, we were putting our bags in the car and grabbing Nixon out of his bed. We dropped Nixon off at a friends house and were at the hospital in 15 minutes. By then, I was pretty sure it was it. When they checked me I was dilated to an 8! I was so excited that it was almost over...but it wasn't. When the midwife got there, she found that in fact the baby was posterior. I ended up pushing her posterior for about two hours. She eventually turned at the very end and we were all so relieved that she was here safe and sound! She is absolutely amazing and we just can't get enough of her! 
I had a dear friend take pictures at her birth and she did a beautiful job. Pictures really do say a thousand words! 
Our midwife Marilyn...She was amazing.