The Funk's

The Funk's

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Break

Chase's Spring Break was last week and it was so great to get to relax and spend some time together, since his school schedule has been pretty hectic this semester. We mostly did some projects around the house, hung out with friends, and went to the zoo one day. We went with our friends the Broadbents and their little girl Macie. The orangutans were our favorite and we got some good pictures with them because they were so friendly. I was feeding Nixon some grapes out of a ziplock bag and this one below came over and put his face up to the window and was trying to peek inside the bag. He gave me these puppy dog eyes that said "Give me some of those grapes." We were laughing so hard. Then he opened his mouth and was sliding it all over the glass. I guess he was hungry! Nixon and Macie loved it. They got right up next to the glass and were patting it. It was the cutest thing. I'm sure we will be making many trips back to the zoo with our season pass!

9 Months

9 Months old...I remember thinking when I went into labor with Nixon that he had been in my belly for 9 months and that it had seemed like such a long time. Now he has been "out" of my belly for that long! Here is what he has been up to this month:

18 lbs. 10 oz. and 29 in. long
Crawling on all fours, instead of army crawling
New word "dah" (we think it means "Dad")
Pulls himself to a standing position with furniture, walks around holding on to it
Stands in crib when he wakes up from naps
Can do "Patty-cake"
Gives kisses
Always crawls over to get a taste of whatever we are eating, even if he has just eaten
Loves graham crackers, grapes, peas, and oranges
Crawls up the stairs (always peeks behind him to make sure we are watching)
Gives a high five
Likes us to read him books
Nurses 5-6 times a day
Sleeps 11 hours at night
Takes two naps usually 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours
LOVES having friends over!

We took these first few pictures after church and I love how they turned out (even though we had exactly 5 minutes to snap them because Nixon would only cooperate for that long). Tonight, Chase and I were looking at them on the computer after we put Nixon to sleep and he said, "Let's go wake him up." Chase and I have decided that most nights it is a relief to put Nixon down for bed at night, but after about 20 minutes of the silence, we both want to hold and play with him :) It's just crazy how a baby can tug on your heart!

I think the one below is my favorite!

Nixon and dad after church
Nixon and his friend Macie..she is 3 months older and they have a blast together! As you can see, they had a free-for-all eating frenzy on our ottoman. They loved it!
Here he is peeking to make sure we are watching when crawling up the stairs.
Reading books together.. I love it because he will actually hold still for longer than a second and cuddle on you when we read!