The Funk's

The Funk's

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Family Visits

Because Hazel decided to come two weeks early, we weren't going to have any help that first week home from the hospital (since my mom wasn't planning on coming until closer to Hazel's due date). My sweet sister Ashlee and brother Hollister ended up coming out at the last minute to help us and it was so nice! Nixon had a blast with Hollister and I had a fun time hanging out with my sister and thoroughly enjoyed the help around the house! 

Hazel had her first bath while they were visiting and Nixon was a "big" help. 
I took Hazel to her doctor's appointment while they were here as well and I can't believe how much easier it felt leaving the house with a new baby this time (compared to my first outing with Nixon). 
My mom and brother Trey came out for a week as well! Nixon LOVES Trey so he was entertained the whole week and that was so nice for us! 
Grandma gave Hazel a tub in the sink...
We had such a low key Christmas and it was great. Chase's parents and brother Sam came to visit and it was so fun! We were so glad that we didn't have to spend Christmas alone. We got to skype Chase's brother Zack, sister Heidi, and my sister Kristina who are all serving missions right now. Nixon was so fun this year! He actually understood Santa and presents and everything this year so it was way fun for all of us. He got a toy train set and has played with it a ton! 
Kiddos in their Christmas PJs...
Grandma and Grandpa Funk with Hazel...
Uncle Sam and Hazel...

2 Weeks Old

Here are some photos of Hazel at 2 weeks old! I LOVE taking pictures of my babies!! 
Height: 21.5 Inches, 90th percentile 
Weight: 8 lbs. 10 oz, 70th percentile 
Head Circumference: 14.5 inches, 75th percentile

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Family of four

We can hardly believe we have two kids! It was probably one of the sweetest things of this experience to see Nixon meet his baby sister Hazel. There was definitely a sweet spirit in the room when Nixon walked in and first saw her. He kept saying, "Oh cute," and continued this saying for the first month of her life. He wanted to touch, kiss and hold her (at least for the first 15 minutes). After that, it was all about pushing the buttons and finding things to get into :)  
 We had baby Hazel "give" Nixon a gift that he got to unwrap. He thought it was pretty neat. 
 By this time, I felt like getting ready and getting out of the hospital room for a bit. We took Hazel on a little ride and Nixon liked pushing the cart. We also found a fun train set in the waiting room for Nixon to play with. 
 On the second day in the hospital, it was just Hazel and I in the morning and the light was beautiful so I decided to take some pictures of the little princess. 

Our family of four leaving the hospital...Welcome home baby Hazel!