Saturday, August 22, 2015

Happy Anniversary!

At the beginning of August, I found this on the bathroom door from Elle:
She's so sweet!
I saw it every day, and it made me smile every time!

To celebrate, Chris and I went on a date to  see my favorite Shakespeare play "Much Ado About Nothing,"

It was $Free.99 !
They did a great job and we both laughed heartily!

Chris bought me these fabulous shoes!
The heel on the white shoe is like 4" high!
So. Awesome. 

And he bought me this pretty ring

He's so sweet too!

Elle and I got Chris's present in June and have been waiting all this time to give it to him!
The traditional gift this year is "furniture"

See, Chris has this giant old drafting table desk at his parents' house that he figured he'd never see again. 
When Elle and I drove out by ourselves in June, we secretly went to his parents who had (thankfully) taken the thing apart already, and after an hour or so we all managed to wedge the thing into the rental car. We had just enough room for our suitcases!

I wanted to make Chris work for his gift so I wrote vague clues as to where each piece was hiding around the house.
I figured he would get around to putting it together some day. 
Nope! He made Elle and I help him drag it all upstairs to our room right away. Then, he and Elle spent the next couple of hours reassembling the thing.

He was very pleased to have it back 

Happy anniversary to us! 

Thursday, August 20, 2015


It's hot.

I like it, but it brings out ants.  Like, a LOT of ants.  For instance-

On garbage day, I grabbed our kitchen garbage and went to put it in the big trash receptacle outside.  Much to my chagrin, it was ringed with ants.  I'm talking a quarter inch high line of ants furiously circling the lid.  So gross.  Well,  I had to throw the trash in there so I could then roll the bins out to the curb.  Not thinking, I lifted the lid, hoisted the garbage sack and let the lid slam shut.  As it shut, the force caused a wall of ants to fly directly on to my torso! Ew! I furiously brushed them off, but then they were crawling all over my hands.  I brushed my hands off, but when I looked down there was a swarm of ants scurrying around near my feet! I did the only sensible thing and started hopping around like the ground was on fire.


  Then I saw a lizard dart out behind the trash!  (I might have screamed a little, but no one was around to confirm this).  Thankfully it took off while I was doing "Hot Feet," and I bolted for the house.

So then I had a problem: I still had to take the recycling bag from our house to the receptacle outside (I hoped it didn't have ants too), and I had to get both cans out to the curb! Ugh!

I grabbed the recycling and cautiously went back outside.  The ants on the ground seemed to have dissipated a little, but they were still everywhere! The recycling bin still had ants on it, but not as many as on the trash, and thankfully, no ants came flying my way when the lid flopped down.

 I thought that if I could get the garbage out to the curb, the ants would die in the sun.  Better yet, they would all fall off during the big jolt from being dumped in the garbage truck.  I went to the back of the can to wheel it out, but when I gripped the handles, ants began covering my hands!  I hadn't noticed that the ants were all over the handles too!  I brushed them off and tried to think of a plan.

First, I used a handle in the middle of the can to pull the garbage out from the wall a little.  No ants came off so I pulled a little more. I glanced down and once again saw ants darting all over the place on the ground! Ew! I went to the back of the garbage can and started kicking it towards the driveway, which was a long way off.  I just had to do a little dance in between kicks so the ants on the ground wouldn't crawl up my bare legs. (because, of course, I was wearing a skirt and flip flops)


Well, the kicking wasn't really that effective and I wasn't sure how to get the can through the front path and down the slope of the driveway. I decided to start with the recycling bin.  There weren't as many ants on the handle so I was able to wheel around the path and down to the curb with only a couple ant passengers.  While I was there, I saw that our neighbor's garbage cans were lined with dead ants.  Aha! They must have killed them before wheeling them out!  Great idea!  I ran back inside, ignoring the ants partying on the ground, and grabbed our can of ant spray!

I went out confidently this time and sprayed the rim of the can with gusto! I saw the thick line of ants going down the can, across the ground and along the wall so I sprayed them with all my might! I even sprayed the ground all along the path!  MWA HA HA HA HA! Take THAT!

Then I went back inside, donned some disposable gloves and successfully wheeled the can to the curb!  Hooray! Thank goodness!


(I'm really hoping the lizard didn't find its way inside during this episode)

I keep feeling ants crawling on me once in a while only to realize it's a stray hair. I hope.

And I'm really sorry because I realize that now you feel like you have ants crawling on you too!

PS The blog title is in reference to this movie.  You should see it sometime.  We watched in high school biology.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

First day of HIGH SCHOOL! waa?!

Let's take a look down memory lane now that Elle has *sniff* left for school this morning

I had trouble scanning this so it's a picture of a picture
(lame, I know)

Actually the end of kindergarten when her teacher took her and her friend out on a date
(Best. Teacher. Ever!)


The year with her crazy surfer teacher:


She got Puppy ready for school that year too:
And thank goodness we got away from that awful teacher and moved to Seattle where there was the sweetest teacher of all waiting for Elle :)

(OK so I can't find 3rd but this is the same year)
I think

baptism year


(matching shoes,coats, and shirts)

last year in elementary school

exciting trip to camp Coleman


year of the short haircut:


the year she became a beehive!


the year of the stressful move





Yep, this is what a freshman looks like. Drink it in.
(notice that she's wearing contacts)

(same friend from the tea party)

I'm sure she'll have a great year!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Tea Party!

Elle has wanted to host a tea party for I don't know how long! I happened to mention this to her friend's mom/my friend and she told me that she collects tea sets!  She said the girls could even have the party at their house.  Dream come true! *_*

They had so much fun decorating the tables and preparing the food!

The attire was formal, of course.

They *set up games for the guests to play--croquet, "lawn bowling"(bocce ball) and "archery" (lawn darts).  

*(They are just trying it out here a few days before)

They also made cute little paper flowers for a craft:

Everyone wrote down the top three items on their bucket list and tried to guess who wrote what. Surprisingly, most of the girls wrote "skydiving"! (Yes, including Elle)

 They ended with a game of charades.

The party was a success and a good time was had by all!

Good job Elle!

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