Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Dress and Hair

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

Easter fun today:

(Actually, Elle made, cut, and baked the cookies Saturday during the Priesthood session)

Then we decorated them as a family:

Ta da!

We didn't get around to dying eggs, so we'll have to do that for FHE tomorrow!

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Judge Not...

They say not to judge a book by its cover...

But what if you yourself are judged by the cover? 

First, Elle:

She read this book in 6th grade and said I might like it too.  So, being the kind-hearted daughter that she is, she went to the middle school library here and asked if they had the book. Because it had the word "Zen" in the title this is how it went down:

Librarian: No, we don't have adult books here
Elle: But I read it in 6th grade...
Librarian: Oh. Is it good?
Elle: Ya, it's funny. 
Librarian: Well, I guess I should order it for our library then. 

I found it at the public library. 

Then I was reading it at the Dr's office and kind trying to hide the cover so no one would, ya know, judge me for reading a kiddy book (even though that's practically all I read). My efforts were in vain, however, since the woman a few seats down from me broke waiting room etiquette and started talking to me.

Nice lady: (quietly) How are you enjoying your book :D
Me: Uh... It's not's young adult fiction...
Nice lady: I am a Buddhist -Jew myself :D
Me: Um...It's about a boy pretending to know about Zen... 
Nice lady: Somethingsomething...the Four Noble Truths...
Me: Oh ya! I'm just reading about that here. The boy looked it up in the library (I show her)
Nice lady: (after reading) Yes. Exactly
Me: The kid is new to the school and because he's Asian and people assume he is Buddhist...
Nice lady: Yes, my sons are Asian (she is not) and people assume that all the time! They even try to speak Chinese to them!
Me: So...your sons are...adopted? (Well, duh. I just didn't really know how to respond)

She started to say something else but the nurse called her away. 
I'm not sure it was ever clear that I wasn't actually reading anything serious about Zen.  Oh well. 

You see?!
Don't be judged by a book's cover!

Incidentally, Chris saw a friend on the bus a few years back who was reading a giant black book without a book jacket. After two seconds of studying it, Chris was all (Insert smirk and raised eyebrows) Twilight?
To which the friend sheepishly admitted in the affirmative.  

We all do it! 

Judge not...


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