Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mmmm. . .Chocolate.

As soon as Chris stumbled upon this website and this recipe, we decided it must be made.

We planned to have friends over to be the guinea pigs for this uncharted dessert, but they couldn't make it, and then Elle got sick :(

We had no choice but to try them out on ourselves first.
(We're self-sacrificing like that)

Anxiously awaiting the magic

Ta Da!  
Chris, of course, did a perfect job.

 Since we promised our friends that they could be souffle testers. . .

We had to make them again!
We served them with a bit of ice cream in the cute little cups my BFF gave me for my birthday.
It was a hit!
I highly recommend you try them yourselves:

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Dress and Hair

Elle is sick today so she's still wearing her PJ's and her hair is a mess.
We don't want to disappoint, so here are some other pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Really long fishtail that started out fine then got a little crazy there at the end.

Chris and Elle starting our garden!!

Chris's latest breakfast invention:

Fried egg in pancake

He's so silly!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!!

Thank you for being wonderful moms

And loving grandmas

Happy Mother's Day!
Love Chris, Nan, and Elle

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Dress and Hair

May the 4th be with you
Happy Star Wars day!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Relief Society

Last month while I was driving my friends to our Relief Society activity, I was magically whisked away to San Francisco.
I have proof of this because I got a letter in the mail:

Yes, not only was I was driving across the Bay Bridge that night in the car we sold three years ago and with a licence plate that I had five years ago, but I neglected to pay the toll!
(Shame on me)

After all, the Bay Area has its motto:
They looked me up and sent me a ticket.
In Washington.
Where I live.
Right now.

Despite the fact that I was in both places at once, I decided to call up the good folks at FastTrack to see if there was a way I could get out of paying the fine.

(I'm sneaky like that).

I explained that not only do I currently live in Washington as a registered member of the state (as evidence by the address they sent the ticket to), but I no longer own the vehicle in question, and furthermore, the plates are in a box in my garage.
"Well, you are the person associated with that licence plate number. . . .although, in the picture half of the plate is covered by the licence plate holder so we can't be sure what the numbers actually are. . ."  They said.  
I again explained that I live in Washington NOT California, and I don't own that car.
"Well, I guess we'll let it go this time."
(How kind, right?)
". . .But you need to figure out why someone is driving your car with those plates on it"
(Which, remember, they can't tell from the photo what the numbers actually are or what kind of car it is.)
"How do I do that?"
"Well, you'll have to call up the CA DMV.  I don't have their number.  


So I called up the CA DMV and explained the whole thing again.  
The guy on the phone at the DMV was very kind.  He told me which form to fill out and where to mail it.  He said to include a copy of the receipt from when we sold our car.  Luckily, that is one of the many papers I have around the house taking up space and making things look messy.  I'm glad I actually kept it!
I made a copy and mailed it all off to Sacramento.
I haven't heard back from either the FastTrack office or the DMV, so I hope everything is OK!

In other news. . .

It's been so nice and sunny here that Elle has to have three pairs of sunglasses to combat all that light!


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