Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Dress and Hair and talk and stuff


I tried to do an awesome hair-do today, but it just wasn’t working out.

Elle decided to use one of her birthday presents instead.



As you can see, Elle and her friend have been making miniature houses out of boxes and magazine cut- outs.  Big mess.  Even bigger fun.

In other news, Elle gave a talk today: (The only thing I did was  help her find the scriptures she needed)

“The Scriptures teach me about the Savior’s Birth and Second coming”

Prophets wrote in the scriptures about the Savior’s birth and 2nd coming.  You can read and learn about these prophesies in the scriptures.  In the Book of Mormon, Moroni prophesies of the Savior’s return.

In Moroni  7:48

In the Old Testament, Malachi tells about the signs that will come in the Last Days.

Malachi 4:5-6

You can read about the Savior’s birth in Luke chapter 2.

Samuel the Lamanite stood on a wall and preached unto the Nephites that in five years Jesus Chris the Savior of men would be born in Bethlehem.

I realized that both of these great things have great and important signs like when Christ was born, the night wasn’t dark and there was a new star in the sky.  When Christ will come again, all mankind will admit that there is a Christ and before that day there will be great destruction like tsunamis and earthquakes and droughts and hurricanes and tornadoes and others.

We need to prepare ourselves for that day by going to church, going to the temple, and reading scriptures.  All these things put oil in our lamps so we can be prepared unlike the 5 virgins that were not like we heard last Sunday about the ten virgins.  I know that if we do all these things to prepare ourselves we will be ready.

I know that all these things are true.  I know the church is true.  I know that we can prepare ourselves.  I say these things. . . .Amen


She’s pretty awesome!  I am amazed how much she takes in.




And a little birdy may have told youIMG_2736

That I just had a birthday!

Chris made me blueberry muffins in the morning and Elle wouldn’t let me go near any dirty dishes Smile

We went to dinner and had my favorite kind of food-  Indian.   Chris got me a NEW PHONE!  It is very fun and fancy.

I was so lucky that my friends helped me celebrate my birthday last week by throwing me a spa party.  We exfoliated our hands, soaked our feet, and put cucumbers on our eyes. We also had my favorite birthday cake—Strawberry topped cheesecake. Yum!


When we went to CA for Thanksgiving, our BFFs  provided all my favorite things to eat while we were there!

*peppermint ice cream

*Chevy’s fresh mex restaurant (which we don’t have here)

*Broccoli soup in sour dough bread bowls

*red licorice

We even got pedicures one day!

It’s been a great birthday month!

Thanks everyone!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday Dress and Hair


Well, technically  they’re not all Sunday dresses and hair, but here are a few interesting hair and clothes. . .


Elle and I were going to a baby shower and she agreed to let me do her hair up.  Half-way through, it looked so silly we just had to take a picture.


She’s saying “I’m two years old!”

Here’s the finished product:



She’s wearing a super cute shirt and sweater, but you can’t see the front.  (BTW- that’s water not dandruff or anything on her back)


Another day, she had an 80’s themed choir concert.  They still had to wear white on the top and black on the bottom, but they could accessorize.  Open-mouthed smile

I had lots of fun:




Then today she wore one of her Christmas dresses (we bought another yesterday—stay tuned)



She agreed that a bun would suit the dress nicely.  She had the great idea to braid three ribbons together and place it over the bun.

I think it turned out great!




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