Monday, June 28, 2010



Here’s a bit of what’s been going on lately.

We’ll start with the most important:


Sunday skirt and  sandals! (her hair wasn’t the highlight this day)


Next is Father’s Day!

Notice how I wrapped his gifts—duct tape and the sports section of the newspaper because it’s manly


And the Father’s Day gifts:


A new controller so Elle could play the game too instead of just watching.  They played for the “game” portion of FHE.

About an hour later they beat the game!  Elle said,  “We beat the game!” Then, slightly dissappointed said, “I guess we could play it again.”

And finally, gifts that Elle and I worked on all week!


and an action shot we did the day we finished them


Yes, I have one too, but I  look terrible in all the pictures we took because I had already taken off my makeup

(true story)

And coolest of all. . .


We went to Washington D.C.!!!

(I’m going to do a separate post for that, so stay tuned!)


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