Thursday, May 27, 2010

A visit from my Swister!

My sister came to visit us last weekend, and we had a blast!
More about that in a second.
I wanted to first show Sunday's Dress and hair.
My friends and I went to see Letters To Juliet, and I spent time oohing and aahing over the hair! This was kind of like one of the styles.

She's wearing her Easter dress again, but this time she has painted toenails because. . .

We all went to get manicures and (my very FIRST) pedicure!
It was pretty cool. We each had two ladies a piece working on us. One for the feet and one for the hands. I felt like I was in a movie or something.
I'm in the middle

Check out Elle's toes! They knocked $2.00 off Elle's price, and then added flowers for free!
My sister and I got clear, and Elle chose green for the nails.
Again, they added extras at no cost!
On Sunday, my sister's boyfriend came over and Elle wowed and fascinated them with her "new math" skills. I had to take a picture of her teaching them.

"little children do have words given unto them many times, which confound the wise and the learned."

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Elle Hair

I haven't done a "Sunday dress and hair" post for a while, so here's an overdose today!
Last week I did the basket weave hair-do. I actually used a needle (a big plastic one) to do it.
As you can tell, Elle was very excited for me to do her hair.

Wait. No, that was this week actually:

Ya, much happier this week.
Maybe because it took half the time to do this week's hair

I was at the temple the other day, and I overheard a woman explaining how she fixed her hair so cool.
I had to go over and see it for myself.
I didn't do it exactly like she did, but it was pretty close.
It didn't make it all the way through church though.
At least it looked good for Elle's performance today. ;)
My activity day girls sang "When He Comes Again" today in sacrament meeting.
Remember that one?
They looked so sweet up there singing their little hearts out.
I love it when kids sing. It seems like when they sing, they really mean it.

And then, this picture is from a couple days ago.
Elle slept in braids, so I just curled the ends under to give it a nice touch
I have her playing at the piano because there's this puzzle we had growing up that has a picture of a girl (about 8) wearing a pink frilly dress and playing piano. She had long blond hair like I used to have as a kid. My family said that when I was 8, they would take a picture of me just like that.
Unfortunately, when I was 8 I didn't take piano and I cut and permed my hair. (not a good move--the perm, I mean)
So, this one is for my mom :)
Someday, I'll get one with Elle wearing a pink frilly dress and playing at a grand piano.
(we'd better do it before she wants to cut her hair!)
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

I thought I'd share this acrostic poem Elle wrote for me:

Mom's holiday today!
Oh mother's day is a great holiday!
Thank you for being my mom!
Help moms on Mother's Day
Elle makes presents for her!
Ready yourself for this special day!
Surprises hidden everywhere!
Dad is making presents too!
Always hug her on this day!
You help our family a lot!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Three things

I have three stories to tell you.

#1 When I was at a scripture class our ward does, a girl who recently came home from collage was there with her mom. The girl raised her hand to make a comment, and said "Like" so many times during it, I could hardly keep from laughing. It went something like this (obviously don't know what she was saying since I was only paying attention to her "likes")
"So, like, like, Moroni is, like, like saying that we, like, like we should search the the Scriptures, like, And then, like, like my religion teacher always said, like, like you should, like pray, like, like when you're, like, reading them. " It was hilarious! Her comment was rather long, and it was pretty much the same the whole way through. It seems that "like" is the new "um."

#2 The other day while Elle was at gymnastics, her teacher offered to help her on the bars. She said, "Do you want to do it yourself, or do you want me not to help you? "

My friend and I decided, that this is a very good sentence to use on someone. For instance, "Do you want to do the dishes, or do you want me not to?" See!

#3 This morning Elle was playing with her vampire eraser family* The little girl eraser was having a conversation with her dad eraser. As far as I can remember, it went like this:

"Dad, can I have a lick of the ice cream cone?


"Just one little lick?"




"Pretty please?!"

"No. When I say 'no',' I mean 'no!' "

"Pretty please with sugar on top?"


"Pretty pretty please with sugar and your most favorite dessert on top?!"


"Pretty please with sugar on top, and your most favorite dessert on top, and cherries, and blood?!"


"But, Daaad! It's my favorite ice cream and I love ice cream cones!"

"No, sweety, other people are going to be eating this."

"Ok, I guess I'll have this dessert when we're all eating it. :( "

"That's my girl. And I don't want to hear another word about this!"

I don't know where she comes up with things like this. Her father maybe? ;)

*The "History of the Vampire erasers" by Elle

"A boy at school drew a face on his eraser, and named it "BoB" Then, a girl cut mouths on the erasers, drew teeth, and had a small family. Then another girl had the same idea as the other girl, except that they all had accessories and all sorts of stuff. This one caught on to everybody (or pretty much everybody) having it."

Every fun Friday their class plays with their eraser families. Last week there was a wedding. There was almost a war over who would be president of the vampires. Thankfully, that's all settled and there is a President and a Governor.

the end.
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Sunday, May 2, 2010


We went to a new restaurant the other day, and I saw this sign.

I thought it was pretty funny, but true.

Then I realized it actually said this:
Usually bathroom signs are blue, right?

*photoshop courtesy of my awesome husband!


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