Sunday, March 21, 2010

my cute litle girl!

After Elle left for school on St Patrick's day, I went to my room and found this on my bed! My favorite part is the earrings ;)

I made sure to wear my CTR ring the night before St. Patty's Day so I could thorougly pinch Chris. (which I did) And conviently, it was so small Elle didn't see it. She
pinched me, and so according to the rules, I got to pitch her back 10 times :)
AND that night while Elle was taking a shower, I hid in her room. When she came in her room in her bathrobe (without any green on it) I jumped out and pinched her. She gave the most satisfying scream :)

We had green milk in the morning. I put ham sadwhiches with green lettuce and green mayo in Chris and Elle's lunches. I also gave them green apples. My friend told me that she knew someone who dyed the toliet water green. I'll have to try that next year. For dinner we had a traditional corned beef and cabbage for dinner. It was a fun day. :]

It was backward day at school Friday, so I fixed Elle 's hair
backwards .
I thought it turned out great!
She wore her shirt backwards and some pants that look like their backwards because they have little pockets on the front. She told me that someone in her class wore their shoes backwards. He had to stand on them to make it work, so the teacher made him put them on normally.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sunday Hair

I wanted to do Elle's hair all cool since we have 11:00 church now
(which, I think is the best time ever!)

cool, huh?

She (and I) got LOTS of compliments on
how cute it was .
they all asked how I managed to do it!
I told them I was envisioning it that morning,
and I decided to try it out.
It worked!

Just kidding! Here's her real hair do!

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Definitive Proof

I now know for myself that toliet paper comes from trees.
Not that I doubted, mind you.
But today, I have definitive proof that this is true.
I opened up a package of toliet paper today.
I noticed right away
(see how observant I am?!)
that there was something on one of the rolls.
I opened it up and saw:

What appears to be a small piece of a tree.

Here's a close up just in case.

and another one, to be sure:

Is that crazy or what?!
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