Sunday, December 27, 2009

Elle's first pet!

Santa brought Elle a fish bowl,fish food, rocks, and a little plant, so we thought we'd better get her a fish to go with it!

His name is "X-Ray"

"Because when you look at him, his colors make it look like an X-ray of a spine and stuff"
She said.
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Monday, December 21, 2009

a laugh at my expense

So, tonight, under the influence of sugar, I was thinking how stupid the comeback

"I know I am, but what are you?!" is.

For example, someone says, "You are a moron!" and the proper response is: "I know I am, but what are YOU?!"

Then, Chris pointed out that its' actually "I know YOU are, but what am I?"

I'm thinking I am a moron. Or Blonde, or I guess they go hand in hand.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Now I can show off Elle's Christmas dress. :)
Happily, it came with a dress for her doll too.
Elle fixed her doll and herself before we even woke up!
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Elle's Baptism

I know. I know.
But, I finally did it!

Here are some of the highlights:


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