Sunday, July 27, 2008

A short post about Elle

The other day, Elle wanted some (what we call) Breakfast cake. I couldn't make it because I was busy doing dishes and killing ants in our kitchen. Instead, I told Elle the ingredients and measurements and she made it herself! It turned out scrumptious as you can see!

Elle and spent SIX hours in the car Thursday on our way to visit her cousin so they could get better acquainted before our family reunion. We drove 3 mph for about 4 hours. Traffic was TERRIBLE to say the least. Then I got lost. I cried. Elle cried. We were a mess. But we finally got there thanks to Lisa and Laura! We were welcomed with loving arms, yummy food, and much hospitality!
The girls had a great time. They spent most of their time together in the pool. *sigh* It's such a nice pool too! I enjoyed a coupe hours in it myself :)

When I put Elle to bed, I noticed the "sleeping bags" she had provided for her puppies. Too cute!

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

vacation part 4

Oh ya! another way we kept cool was to wash Grandma's filthy car! It looked great when we were done! Stephan said, "And for our treat, we get to play with water in the back yard!" Which they did. Fun, fun, fun!
For the fourth, we ate breakfast in the canyon--pancakes--which were very yummy. Elle spent some quality pool time with her cousin Asher. Grandma made some mint chip ice cream--which you already heard all about.
To top the day off, we did a huge box of fireworks and four boxes of sparklers--Just Grandma, Grandpa, Elle and me!

I don't know what got into me. I couldn't resist. There was a spa for kids that Kate and I took Elle too. Can you say, "I'm an only child"?!
She had a pedicure while sipping pink punch and eating a huge cupcake. Then she got her make-up done. And what's the point of looking your best if you don't get to dress up too?! Elle modeled several outfits for our viewing enjoyment. It was very cute

We did a lot of other things that I don't have picture for like miniature golfing and ski ball with Grandma; visiting the library and the park; lunch with my best friend from high school; doing a session at the temple where we were married; eating at Brick Oven Pizza; hearing Sister Cheiko Okasaki speak-- (OK. I just have to tell you the story she told us: She said her friend from Australia went to the store and when she came out, there were four men in her car! So, she took out her gun and pointing to the window, said, "Get out of my car!" They immediately did! So, she put her things in the trunk and was so shaken up, she couldn't get the key in the ignition. Then, she looked a few cars over and saw her car parked! She took our her groceries and drove to the police station. When she told the man what she had done, he just laughed and laughed and laughed. Then, he pointed down the hall where four men were reporting a hijacking by a little old woman with white hair and glasses. The man laughed some more and said, "I'm not even going to charge you. Just go home!" It was a great story!)
We celebrated Jason's birthday; we saw Wall-E; we had dinner at Outback (yum! I love the awesome blossom); and just had a great time hanging out!

Then we went home!

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vacation part 3

We visited our old stomping grounds at Wymount. I had Elle pose the same way she did when she was just a little thing. My how's she's grown!

We had fun watching her cousins' ball games.
We also visited some good friends while we were there!

I was glad Elle was finally old enough to hike to "the cave of wonders." I was foolishly worried about her getting tired. That. Didn't. Happen. No, I was the one I should have been worried about. She skipped up the mountain in no time flat while I walked and wheezed my way up!

It was so hot we went to two different pools while we were there!
I had so much fun playing with the kids and going down the slides!
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vacation part 2

So, more of our fun action-packed vacation.
Since Elle was going to miss her recital, I decided to hold one with her cousins that were around. It was so fun! I was really proud of everyone and how well they did!

Elle and I saw these huge mushrooms and just HAD to take a closer look!

Here's the close up of the "mushrooms"

We also spent some fun-filled days with the Elle's other cousins, aunts and uncles! We all went to Color Me Mine and the kids painted stuff. Elle chose a big bowl for cereal/popcorn/ice cream. Don't worry, she never fills it to the top with any of these things!
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Vacation part 1

I know, I know, it's been a while, but I'm finally posting about our vacation.
Well, first, Elle had lots and lots of fun picking things from Grandma's garden, playing with the other Grandma's cat, and practicing piano with both grandmas.
She had loads of fun playing with five of her girl cousins from out of state and her aunt Lisa.

That first weekend, we went to a hometown parade. My favorite float was the corn man!

Then, we had 6 out of the 8 siblings represented for my mom's first birthday party ever!

Elle and her cousin spent all day one day making a "robot" and then presented it to us.
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Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Food Day!

Elle and I made up this cookie recipe for the cookie contest we were having at the weekly ward BBQ. Elle named them "NanElle" cookies. I borrowed the basic ingredients from a couple recipes, then we decided what else to add and Elle decided how much to add.
They turned out pretty good, except we got to the BBQ too late for them to enter the contest! :(

NanElle cookies:
Preheat oven to 375*
Bake for 10-12 minutes

1/2 cup real butter
1/2 cup shortening
3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
*** cream***
2 eggs
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 box of the 3.9 oz instant chocolate pudding
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract (this was Elle's idea)
2 Tbs milk (also Elle's idea)
2 1/2 cups flour
2 cups oatmeal
3/4 cup coconut
3/4 pkg heath toffee bits (we ate 1/4 the package :)
1 12 oz pkg semi sweet chocolate chips

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I hate this stinkin' city

This morning, I got all ready to bike with Elle on our tandem to swimming lessons. When we got downstairs to the garage where our bike was locked up, it was gone. Ya. The whole thing. Gone. I cried. I called Chris to see if he noticed if it was there when he left this morning. He said,"I dunno."
When Elle and I got back from swimming, we went out the side door and saw her tandem part lying by the gate. It's not a lot of use to us since the attachment part is still on my bike. *sigh*
There are cameras all around that area, so hopefully someone is captured on tape, but I can't get a hold of either the police or the building owners. I'm very sad. It was the first bike I have ever owned. I'll miss it.
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Piano teacher

How you know you have a good piano teacher:

* The teacher demonstrates her talent at the beginning of the lesson, and periodically, during the lesson.

* The teacher thinks that theory is important even at such a young age.

* The piano teacher speaks perfect English to your child instead of patronizing her in a cutesy voice.

* The teacher even talks to her pug in a normal voice ("Now don't jump up on people, Luna, it's not polite")

* The piano teacher does not put Mr. before every note ( Mr. C, Mr. D etc.)

* Your child learns scales on the first day

* The lesson takes an hour the first time.

* The teacher says it will take a good month before she will truly be able to discern your child's level and ability instead of just assuming she's an ignorant child with no potential

* The teacher buys your child her own practicing notebook from the 99 cent store and doesn't even charge you.

* The teacher tells you she has just cleaned out her garage and has found tons of piano books, so we probably won't have to buy any for a while.

* The material your child has to practice takes more than two minutes to master

* When your child sits down to practice for the day, she immediately breaks into tears and says it is too hard.

* Five minutes later, your child is practicing just fine

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July Friday Food Day!

Fear not, dear readers. I haven't given up blogging. I'm just on vacation. You'll soon have more posts than you'll know what to do with!
I took time today to post a yummy recipe for the Fourth of July!
Homemade mint chip ice cream made with mini chocolate chips!
I, personally think I added WAY too many mini chips, even though some people might say there can never be too much chocolate.
(And, I didn't actually make this, my mom did, I just added the mini chocolate chips and turned off the ice cream maker off when it looked done. It made tons, so you'll want to half it)
Mint Chip Ice Cream with too many mini chips
2 Tbs knox gelatin
3 cups milk
2 cups sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1- 3 oz pkg instant vanilla pudding
6 eggs
5 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 quart half and half
1/2 qt whip cream
1 oz of peppermint extract (that would be the entire little bottle)
Green food coloring for effect
1 12 oz pkg. (or just half the bag to make it taste better)
1- Qintuplete bypass surgery

Mix all but 1/2 cup of the milk, half and half, whip cream, and eggs. Whip until blended. Heat the mixture on the stove to 140 for 3.5 minutes to kill the egg nastiness.
Soften gelatin in 1/2 cup cool milk. Add this and pudding mix to the heated mixture. Add mint flavoring and food coloring. Refigerate until it's cool. Whisk it up again.
Pour into ice cream maker and add the mni chips about 5 minutes before it's done, or stir them in after. YUM!

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