Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Elle's boat

Elle had a project due at school this week. They're learning about "Things that go." They had to choose something that goes and make a model of it, find facts about it, and write a story about it.

Elle decided to do a row boat. She thought of the idea and the materials to use and measured all the pieces. I helped her cut and glue. That's all!

Here's her story:

Elle the Nice Boat
I eat people who try to buy me. I pick up people and I let them row me, and how they catch fish is, whenever there's a fish, I gobble it up and it appears in the middle of the boat where the person is.
I meet and talk to friendly fish and give them ideas. Like, if they have some homework that they're having trouble with or trying to write a story, I give them ideas.
Sometimes I get a little lonely, but at that time, the sharks are chasing me and I'm faster than a shark, so I'm always alright.
The end
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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Missionary moment

Today Chris, Elle, Lisa and I drove to my brother's to see our nephew Derrick give his farewell talk.
He told some funny stories and even manged to say "crap" twice during the talk. He did a great job!
He'll be going to Baltimore, Maryland for the next two years!
The ginormous cake had Maryland's flag on it. (I didn't even know they HAD a flag!)
There were multiple hams, turkey, ribs, rolls and fabulous desserts!
Elle had a blast with her cousin (the one in the red dress).
As you can see, Derrick was a little overwhelmed by the end of the day!
We are all so proud of him!
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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Elle fixes her hair

Elle came running out of her room this morning very excited. She's been trying to put a ponytail in her hair all by herself since yesterday. I showed her a couple of times and she tried it a couple of times on my hair. Then, this morning, she finally had success. She was and is SO proud of herself! We are too, of course!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Hair

Elle wore the same dress she wore last week, so I don't need to post it again.
I'll just show you her hair. It is from the American Girl DVD and it's called a "flip tail."
I thought Chris' Sunday hair was particularly good too. There was no video demonstration for this style.
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Friday, January 18, 2008

Exercise, Drink and be Merry!

1.5!! My creatinine is 1.5!!
That means, NO surgery!! Yea!!
Thanks for all the prayers, Mom!

The downside is, my good cholesterol is too low. My Dr. suggested that I exercise to raise it . He also strongly encouraged me to drink alcohol and wine because that will bring it up too. (If I like alcohlol that is, he said :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

The terror

Seems like a harmless little toothbrush, right?
Oh how wrong you are.
Santa thought it would be a good idea to change up the annual stocking stuffer toothbrush this time and get one that played music while you brush. I think he thought it was a good idea at the time.
Oh how wrong he was.
But NOT for the reason you might be thinking
IF you're thinking that we parents are so annoyed by the annoying square-wave version of "You are my sunshine" playing for TWO SOLID MINUTES. No, no. WE parents are not annoyed. That is because Elle doesn't ever push the button! Oh no. No.
CHRIS is the perpetrator! Yes!! Every night he volunteers to brush Elle's teeth so he can push the button and play the song and then SING ALONG IN A HIGH PITCHED VOICE with it! Ya!
It's a nightly ritual lately! He gets very excited to torment his innocent little Elle (not to mention his wife).
So, if you were thinking of asking Santa for a singing toothbrush for your little one, I'd advise against it.
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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday dress and hair 1-13-08

Back by popular request, here is the weekly photo of Elle's hair and Sunday dress.
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Silly Little Elle

Elle decided to try on Chris' p.j.'s one day.

This was a little car at the museum we went to with her class yesterday.

What kid HASN'T done this trick?!
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The new couch!



(HUGE THANK YOU to Craig and Tyler!)

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New Year's Eve!!

We spent New Year's Eve at the Vandykes with the Thomsons.
The kids were wired.

The junk food was plentiful
And the kids finally settled down.

Happy New Year 2008!
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How you know that your daughter has been watching too much Dick Vandyke:


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