This question is asked by my sister….
And I really don’t know how to answer it…
If I am at home…
1) I will keep on watching movie even when all the movie I had watch before…
well I think you all know I am crazy with that…so no need to give further information…
2) I will keep on going out even when I am walking alone…
I did went to sunway pyramid myself for several times…
to do window shopping or to buy some new movies so that I can continue to watch
3) I will wake up late and sleep late…
ya…I guess you know…
because I want to finish the movie ASAP…
4) I will waste the electric bill with the air-con on all day…
oh well…that is also because when I am in the hostel…
I really cant tahan the heat…
so when I go home the first thing is “dip” on the air-con
5) the only thing I do is eat and sleep…a
nd watch movie and play computer games…
well…ya…I will not do my revision…
even when I want to do it…
I will be like…later lar…later lar…
6) I will not clean up my room,wash the toilet and clean the dishes….
that is why my mum keep complaining that we treat her like a maid…
but actually I also got help out in the dishes (
but very seldom…maybe around 15 meal, I only wash once…hahhaa)
7) I can eat my mum’s cook food…
well…my size say everything right…
my mum’s food is the best…hahaha….
8) my temper will change back original
(I don’t know why…maybe is true when they say “you will show your true self in your family”)
but actually I still don’t know which is the real me…
9) I will not study at all…
yup…as I said… I watch movie…
10) I will not spend time with God well some reason too…
and another thing is because…
I got no worries at home…
cause if anything happens…
my family will be there to back me up…
If I am in hostel
1) i won’t sleep too much because I need to rush to college…
but still I nap…
but I control myself so that I wont over sleep and miss all my things….
2) I clean my room, I clean my dishes and wash the toilets…(most time)…
well..that is the duty…
3) I will do revision (sometimes) but still will watch some movie…
(if got) especially this year…my head gonna burst…
4)i will spend time with God
(anyhow when I face troubles, God is the only One I can turn to in hostel) e
specially during the exam week….
so bad right….got trouble only go find Him…
5) I need to cook my own food (which is not so healthy)…
well cause I always use aginomoto…
but I usually cook with vege…so is good also…
better than the restaurant in my college still…yuck…oily!!!
6) it will be very troublesome to travel back home every weekend…
well…ya…that you know lar…no need explain….
cause need to go youth mar…
7) I will not show my temper to anyone…
unless I really cant stand….
but most time I “receive” people’s temper…
ya…so…which is the real me??
I will not show my temper to my “friends” or people other than my family…LOL
8) I will be in FULLY USE because I am so-called SMART (LOL)…
no lar…because I know many things…
I am okay to help…but I don’t like people take me for granted…
like the computer and stuff…a lot lar…haihz….
9) I will have mentally and emotionally stress…
because I will talk to myself very often until someone thought I was actually on the phone…
or should I say…I act on the phone…
but I am actually talking to myself…
I don’t know why also…
sometimes I feel that I got some mental problem after doing so…
maybe because I am keeping my temper away and I wont fight back if anyone argue with me…
not like when I was at home…
I must win…and I will say whatever I like…LOL…
10) I will use more MONEY...
because when I am stress…
I will go buy snacks and eat eat eat..and the snacks hear is not cheap you know…
super expansive wan…haihz…T__T
After all this…can you tell me which one I prefer??
Staying at home or in hostel…?? I got no idea…
P/S: there are spaces for you to write down your comments…
maybe you can help me find out my answer…