Tuesday, 11 September 2007


Caption competition....
Anyway, enough of the whinging. I've finally reached my target for St. Peter's hospice of over £1000. Makes all the pain worthwhile. Just. Well done to everyone who ran the Bristol Half - and a particular thanks to someone called Simon who kept me going through the worst bit at around 8 miles by determinedly chatting about other, less painful, things!

Bring on the next knee-crunching challenge!

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Ughh again

Did it. In 2 hours and 3 minutes. Give or take. Too tired to post much. My knees hurt. Raised just £50 short of target. Come on, retrospective sponsorship is still allowed! I'll post some photos of the pain when I'm recovered a bit.

ps. Thanks to Westbury Harriers supporters for keeping up the yelling!

Saturday, 8 September 2007


It's the night before the half marathon. I've got Ibruprofen tablets rattling around inside me to combat the inflammation in the tendons in my knees ( which blew up after an over-enthusiastic preparation run last Sunday) and, quite simply, I'm dreading it. No photos on this post, because to be honest, they wouldn't be very pretty.

If I don't post again for a while, you'll know why...

Thursday, 6 September 2007

No News is bad news

Hold onto your hats. I've got news for you. News that might change the way you think forever... are you ready? Brace yourself, new studies out today show that:

1. Lots of e-numbers make children hyperactive.

2. Lots and lots of booze when you're a teenager is no good for you and lands you in with the wrong crowd.

Phew. I know. Earth shattering isn't it? What's so amazing about the two sets of headlines today (and most of today's papers carry the additives and e-numbers story on their front page) is that surely it is common sense? Or at least if not common-sense, old news?

I remember my mum whittering on about the dangers of e-numbers ( I wasn't entirely sure what they were) when I was about ten. ( As a result, my first major act of rebellion when I went to university was to go to the newsagents and buy a large bag of bright blue penny sweets and eat them before lunch.)

Surely consuming huge amounts of alcohol when you're 13 indicates that something is not quite right at home and your mates are probably not the best influence on you, and all that home-brewed Snake-bite will inevitably do some pretty hefty liver damage?

But in an age of information over-load, it seems that we can't realise something is the truth until we have some statistics. Parents and teachers could have told you that fizzy drinks and booze is bad for kids years ago. ( I have visited a school for disengaged boys where banning fizzy drinks and giving the boys bottled water in lessons to suck on improved behaviour dramatically.) But now we need a 'report' to prove it.

Of course policy should not be decided on superstitious whim, or fashion fad. Of course in-depth reports are important. Of course policy should be based on evidence. But today's headlines are not a sign of an evidence-based society, they are a sign of a statistics-based society. ( And we all know the old adage about lies, lies and damned statistics.) This time, the statistics paint a picture of the truth. But it is truth we should have known long ago. The real news to shock you is that all this should be news at all.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007


Argh! Suddenly it doesn't seem like such a good idea any more. On Sunday I'll be running the Bristol Half Marathon to raise money for St. Peter's Hospice. Please give generously - they depend entirely on donations and as I saw from my visit this morning, the work they do is invaluable for those approaching the most testing time of their life, and for their families.

Go to my 'JUST GIVING' page, and... please, just give...

Many thanks! - I'll let you know how I get on...