Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Traffic Cop Ballet
Police in Romania are taking ballet lessons from professional dancers, so they can direct traffic more gracefully.
The aim is to achieve elegance in their movements, which could also ease the stress of drivers who are waiting at a red light.
Where are thier tu-tu's and leotards?
Got any stories of crazy courses from the UK?
Friday, 22 February 2008
Radio Ga-Ga
Well I can tell you that it wasn't over the van with the new 'police' radio as the press are reporting it was over the van with the FM radio.
Because this all happened on the evening of the UEFA cup final and PC Emerson-Thomas wanted to listen the the footy!
Today he has been found not quilty, despite all the witnesses being police officers!! The judge allegedly adding it was a trivial matter. I don't call 8 stitches trivial!!
I feel for Pc Bartlett who was forced to pursue the matter by the bosses.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Yes son your Grandad was there
This is the start.
When we were first told about the white baseball caps at some motorway service station I was very dubious. However from the ground they had a great visual impact, all you could see was sea of white it was great. Initially I thought what a waste of money I'm never gonna wear this again, but then again I suppose they will probably come in handy next year!!
Here's a pic from the BBC website taken from admiralty arch.
Here's the view from the ground.
Well it seems like the government aren't taking any notice tho. As for Jackie Smith not even turning up what an insult. Yeah sure it would have been a difficult day for her. But if we all didn't turn up for work when we were expecting a difficult day where would we be??
There are now rumors the government want to force us to change the pensions we signed up to!!
Thursday, 17 January 2008
I predict a riot…
Yes folks its stand up and be counted time. January the 23rd 2008 one week from now is where its all going to change! (or maybe not)
The police federation are marching on the capitol, in response to the back stabbing and underhand Jackie (spliff) Smiths decision to not pay us the pay rise the independent arbitrators recommended.
Ok so I’m not expecting scenes like when the anarchists protest, just some well mannered grumbling from some polite police officers. However if you don’t make the effort to go you can’t complain when nothing is done.
Having said that I believe this is not just about the £130 or so I’ve been deprived off. It’s about bringing attention to an untrustworthy, deceitful and hypocritical government.
They can’t be trusted with there own book keeping, so how can we trust them with our money (yes you Peter Haine) ?
They go back on agreements (yes you Jackie Smith).
They say public sector workers can’t have above inflation pay rises then give themselves 6% on top of their already large salaries with expenses (yes all of you).
Gordon Brown seems to forget he is in an extremely privileged position, he is an unelected Prime minister. No general member of the public has ever voted for you Mr Brown. The cabinet has changed so many times since the last election, that this government does not reflect the government that were elected by the population.
So what ever your gripe, whether you are a nurse, a teacher, a prison officer, an officer from Scotland or whether you are just fed up and frustrated with this current administration please join us in London next Wednesday!
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Art or criminal damage?
I don't know if any of you are already familiar with this persons work or not but lately I have seen his work at least Banksy inpired works appearing in my city.
Recently he has been auctioning his work off for tens of thousands:
On 7 February 2007, Sotheby's auction house in London auctioned three Banksy works and reached the highest ever price for a Banksy work at auction of over £102,000 for his Bombing Middle England. Two of his other graffiti works, Balloon Girl and Bomb Hugger, sold for £37,200 and £31,200 respectively, which were well above their estimate prices.The following day's auction saw a further three Banksy works reach soaring prices. Ballerina With Action Man Parts reached £96,000 whilst Glory sold for £72,000 and Untitled (2004) sold for £33,600 - all three auctions sold way over expected estimates. To coincide with the second day of auctions, Banksy updated his website front home page with a new image of an auction house scene with people bidding on a picture that said, "I Can't Believe You Morons Actually Buy This Shit."
Here is a selection of my favourites. More can be found here.
So is it art or criminal damage????

Thursday, 11 October 2007
Top of the Cops
Well done Lancashire I sure your bosses will be getting big slaps on the back. Not so good for Bedfordshire tho, come on guys get those cannabis warnings in!!
Lancashire 18 1
Surrey 18 1
Cumbria 16 3
Northumbria 16 3
Dyfed Powys 15 5
Hampshire 15 5
Hertfordshire 15 5
Leicestershire 15 5
Suffolk 15 5
West Mercia 15 5
Norfolk 14 11
South Yorkshire 14 11
West Yorkshire 14 11
Metropolitan 13 14
North Yorkshire 13 14
Staffordshire 13 14
West Midlands 13 14
City of London 12 18
Dorset 12 18
Merseyside 12 18
North Wales 12 18
Sussex 12 18
Essex 11 23
Gloucestershire 11 23
Kent 11 23
Avon and Somerset 10 26
Cambridgeshire 10 26
Cheshire 10 26
Cleveland 10 26
Durham 10 26
Nottinghamshire 10 26
Warwickshire 10 26
Devon and Cornwall 9 33
Derbyshire 8 34
Gwent 8 34
South Wales 8 34
Wiltshire 8 34
Greater Manchester 7 38
Humberside 7 38
Lincolnshire 7 38
Northamptonshire 7 38
Thames Valley 7 38
Bedfordshire 1 43
Where does your force rank?
Lets just say mine is a non-mover set to be dumped by the record label!!