Monday, April 6, 2009

Dallin is such a good big brother.

My kids LOVE bubbles!!!
This post is for my sister Cris ENJOY!

Dallin's 6th Birthday. He had a party at Pump It UP. It was a blast as you can see, even the grown-ups enjoyed themselves. I still can't believe how fast my little man is growing. He keeps us laughing, and so proud of how well he is doing in school.

He was lucky this year he was able to celebrate for 2 full days. Even two cakes. You can tell which one he decorated.

Monday, June 9, 2008

More Signs

More new items!!!

This is so much easier to update than my website!!!

I will update my website this summer so check back in a couple of weeks.

Dallin Skateboarding

Peace Out!!!

This Dallin and his neighbor friend Paul. Practicing all their moves.
They see the older neighborhood kids taking their shirts off. So of course they had to. I thought it was just to funny, so I had to snap some shots of them. (don't worry I made them put them back on so they wouldn't get hurt or scratched up when they fell.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Products

For those of you that I havent seen you forever. It is good to hear from you!!! I live in san antonio TEXAS. We have been hear for 5 years now. My husband graduated from Dental school a year ago, and now works for an old friend of the family. He loves what he does most days.

I started my own business (Thanks to my sister) It's called Simply Stated here is my website its not the best but I have one. I have done this for almost 2 years now and I love it. I go to craft shows every month to sell my stuff. Anyway here are some of my new items. Please leave me some info so I can get in touch with you all. My email is (Jen Nelson do you have a blog?)

This Look What I Did Today Board is larger than the normal one!!!

Here are some pics of my craft show booth for those that haven't seen it.

Dallin's Field Day

Dallin had his Field Day (end of the year party). Lexi and I went to help out. I was in charge of the dark blue team. They all had a blast in the HOT Texas heat. Here are a few pictures of him and his buddies!!

That's my BOY!!!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008


This spring we have put Dallin into soccer with one of his buddies Caleb. At the beginning of the season, the kids would watch airplanes go by, pick the flowers off the field, chase butterflies, and walk on and off the field when they wanted to. There has been much improvement as the season has come to a close. His last game is this Saturday, and so far the are undefeated. Go DYNAMOS!!!!!

Dallin's coach put black lines under his eye's and Dallin is convinced that it makes him run faster and looks tough!! (It really is suppose to keep the sun out of their eyes.) This is Dallin's first trophy, he is so proud of it. They entered a tournament and played the 6 year old's and they did awesome!! GO ORANGE!!!!!!