Wednesday, May 6, 2009


near Residenz, where Bavarian rulers used to live

a madman at the square - talking to himself

I was actually in Munich, then London, before Athens.  It was for work, so unfortunately i only had 1 day to walk around town.  It's a beautiful city, i wish i had more time to learn about the city.  I hope to go back some day.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

sunset @ Glyphada Beach

sunset @ Glyphada Beach, originally uploaded by nadi0.

i am in Athens at the moment, and after a boring cloudy day, i took the chance and headed to the coastal suburbs of Athens.

no regrets.

p/s: any malaysians in Athens who would like to take a photography workshop with me while i'm here, gimme a call at 1-800-MUAHAHA. 400 Euros only. Lekas lekas sementara stok masih ada. :P

pp/s: hi torque! kekeke

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Anak-anak Raudah

Penghuni di Pondok Penyayang Raudah. Kebanyakan mereka masih bersekolah dan memerlukan bantuan dari pelbagai segi. Aku berpeluang mengunjungi mereka bulan lalu atas tugasan yang diberikan oleh pejabat, melihat kehidupan mereka di sana, aku bersyukur ke atas kurniaNya pada aku, walaupun tak mewah, tapi cukup la bagi aku untuk tidak mengeluh pasal kepayahan hidup.
Supian Ahmad/The New Straits Times Press Malaysia

Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke enam by Ian

KUALA LUMPUR 6/7/09 - Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak berucap ketika hadir untuk Majlis Kewartawanan Malaysia MPI-Petronas 2008 di Hotel Istana. Ini merupakan hari pertama beliau memulakan tugas rasmi setelah dilantik ke jawatan itu dalam Istiadat Pengurniaan Surat Cara Pelantikan, Mengangkat Sumpah Jawatan dan Setia serta Sumpah Menyimpan Rahsia di hadapan Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin di Istana Negara, Jumaat lepas.

Supian Ahmad/The New Straits Times Press Malaysia

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Smoking Kimi

The smoking Kimi
Kimi Raikkonen of Team Scuderia Ferrari was engulfed in a cockpit smoke during the morning practice session of the 2009 Petronas Malaysian F1 Grand Prix.
The incident was said due to overheated KERS batteries.
~Khairil Faizi Jamian/ CHAPs, Malaysia

The smoking Kimi

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Kami di Putra World Trade Centre tengah tunggu Pak Lah kat ruang legar utama. Yang bestnyer, nampak je ramai nak terjah ke depan, tapi mentaliti photog sekarang, sangat la best.. kami semua rileks2 je shoot.. masing-masing dapat banyak gambar, cuma... aku je dapat 2 keping wahahahahaha.. 3fps je.. walalalalalalalal..
photograp by bad of Sinar or Khairull of Malay Mail.. tak ingat la..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sunburst KL 2009

DSC_5050, originally uploaded by nadi0.

koRn vocalist Jonathan Davis performing the finale set at Sunburst KL 2009 held at Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club, 21 March 2009.

more photos available here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dayang Nurfaizah By Fid Fathir

Dayang Nurfaizah for the new single,"Luka".(Fidfathir Photography)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A.J. Troost B.V. Ballooning @ 1st Putrajaya Int'l Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009

Aart Jan Troost, founder of A.J. Troost B.V Ballooning of the Netherlands making pre-flight preparation for their 16 years old Peacock on the 3rd day of the International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.

Local marshalls provide assistance in erecting the balloon while Troost constantly pump hot air into the 4000 m³ Peacock.

The Peacock is guided to a pre-assigned spot for lift-off, before the Fiesta officials cancel off their flight due to time constraint. They however resumed their showcase later during the Night Glow session.


Monday, March 23, 2009

International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Hot air balloon Nescafe flying over Putrajaya at 1st International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Melaka and UMNO

Kuala Lumpur 18/3/2009 Melaka State Flag has been brought down in front of the UMNO head office. Umno Disciplinary Board's decide barring Dato' Ali Rustam the Melaka State minister from contesting for the post of deputy president in the party elections next week. Pic by OSMAN ADNAN

Friday, March 13, 2009

Stonebay by FidFathir

Malaysia's indie rock and roll band,Stonebay for their new released EP-Si Murai Penipu.(Fidfathir Photography)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ekonomi Malaysia by Ian Ahmad

KUALA LUMPUR 110309 - Pekerja asing sedang sibuk menyiapkan kerja-kerja untuk sebuah bangunan. Kerajaan Malaysia semalam telah membatalkan serta merta visa yang diberikan kepada pekerja-pekerja asing. Dengan pembatalan itu, kerajaan akan membayar kembali levi kepada majikan yang telah membuat pembayaran.
Supian Ahmad/New Straits Times Press (M)
KUALA LUMPUR 110309 - Kerja-kerja menyiapkan bangunan sedang giat dijalankan. Kerajaan Malaysia telah memperuntukkan RM60 billion dalam Pembentangan Bajet Mini semalam bagi meransang pembangunan ekonomi negara.

Supian Ahmad/New Straits Times Press (M)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Locomotives at Prai by Hasnuddin Fototeacher

KTMB locomotives on standby for shunting work during sunset
at Prai Train Yard.

The Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco by ApanY2K

A view of the famous Golden Gate Bridge from Conzelman Road. This picture was taken during my recent trip to San Francisco, California

Sunset in Makassar - by Abu Farhat

Sunset of 28th Ramadhan.
Facing the Java Sea, Makassar of South Sulawesi lets the sun sets beautifully.

Don't Miss this one!! FOTOINSPIRASI

A privilege for all who are willing to grab this opportunity.
4 of the best in their area of expertise, sharing their knowledge & experience.
Don't let this opportunity slip through you!

Training in Rain by Osman Adnan

Para pemain Selangor menjalani latihan dalam hujan lebat di kelana jaya, 20km dari pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur.
Pasukan Selangor meletak sasaran sebagai sebuah pasukan terbaik ASIA 2015 selain meletak sasaran bertanding dalam Piala AFC 2010 jika menang Liga Super musim depan.
~ Osman Adnan

Monday, March 2, 2009

pucat kakinya

pucat kakinya, originally uploaded by nadi0.

From Sunathon Perdana 2008, back in November.

Covering the event was fine and dandy until i was asked to enter the procedure room and photograph the procedure itself.

Thank God I'm a girl.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thaipusam 2009, Batu Caves

Devotee,Kavadi and movement to Batu Caves to complete the ritual and their vows on Thaipusam 2009, Batu Caves, Malaysia. Khairudin Mohd Thani, CHAPs, Malaysia.