Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the boys

William got hit in the face by the soccer ball with two minutes to go during his last game of the season. It was a bleeder but he recovered! He had lots of fun until then...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sweet School Pics

I thought these pictures were fun. I took them on the first day of school but never published them. The other day I dropped off a sad phillip at school. I watched as William, who was at recess, saw his brothers need and ran to put his arm around his brothers shoulder and comfort him. It was a sweet and precious moment for me.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So, we have been trying to figure out whose blanket this is for the last 3 months........ If its yours, I have it. If you know whose it is, let me know. Other wise I have a beautiful hand embroidered, hand quilted baby quilt with no owner....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Welcome to my crazy life

David on his way to school, and my crazy boys being crazy (imagine that)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What we do when Mom is gone!!!

William was sure proud of his catch.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Phillip's 4

I can't believe my sweet little baby is 4 now. His favorite thing to hear is how big he is getting! I think that's because everyone has always commented on how little he is, He helped me pick out a cake on the computer then we baked it and decorated it with trucks and chocolate, 2 of his favorite things. He is a true joy and challenge and I love every little bit of my big boy. He loves being old enough to go to sunbeams and sing in Sharing Time. He is having a hard time waiting for school to start. The other day he said to me, "Mom, I'm big. Why can't I go to school yet?" I can only comfort him with the reassurance that it will be time soon! Phillip, I love you to the moon times 256,000. Thanks for being my big baby boy! I hope your smile never stops reaching your big brown eyes.

This is Phillip the morning of his birthday sporting his new spidey hat. Too cool!

This is what I found David doing in the middle of Sunday Morning's Session of Confrence

The boys enjoying easter at the park!

Caught the boys playing together peacefully and wanted to capture the moment.