Saturday, March 20, 2010

What a Day!

The other day, while sitting at my computer, David started pulling at my hair. I asked him what he was doing, imagine my surprise when he said "I'm cutting your hair mom". I panicked, turned around and found his fingers snip snipping, luckily without scissors. Now its his favorite activity and I'm so afraid that one of these times he's going to actually have scissors. I hope I notice!

William and Phillip basking in their reward of playing the computer because they helped me clean the house. I can honestly say I didn't know they could be so motivated. They had their jobs done in 10 minutes with no pestering to continue. It was beautiful!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mommie J Crafts

A friend of mine is starting her own business. If you go to her web site now you can enter the Grand Opening giveaway! Who doesn't want free stuff right? So go and check it out. You might find just what you were looking for!

Good luck, but I hope I win!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Never a dull moment with David

We've been exercising every morning at Mom's house. This morning David was the topic of our discussion. Funny thing was every time someone thought of something about him they would start to laugh, then tell their story. He is so entertaining and hilarious. Yes he is a bit naughty and mischievous, but that is just part of his charm. I love the sparkle in his eye and the hop in his step as he thinks up a new scheme. He is my little comforter and angel and I love him more than life itself. My sweet David!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Innermost Thoughts

I don't usually post about myself but I woke up feeling so blessed and happy and thought I would share..

For some reason unknown to me for the last week, I think since Tuesday, I have had the happiest heart. Almost like an adrenaline rush that won't quit. That may sound strange or even common to most but for me it has been a huge change and blessing. I can honestly say that I haven't felt this way for more than a year. I'm almost afraid of when it will end. I have struggled at the end of every month but rededicate myself shortly there after to be strong and continue on but to feel truly happy has become a foreign feeling. I have thought about the things in my life that have change recently that might have effected me enough to change my heart. These are just some of the things that came to mind:

  1. I've been going to the temple weekly (thanks Racqual, Marshane, and Charlene for the motivation)
  2. I've been exercising daily (thanks Kessa)
  3. I've reconnected with old friends (it was great to see or talk to you Kristen, Trisha, Stacha, Cami, Amy, Heather, Keala, etc. I'm sure there are more)
  4. I've made new friends (thanks Charlene, Kelli, and Esther)
  5. I've have worked on new projects (chicken and duck coops, gardening, scanning pictures) with mom (thanks for keeping me busy!)
  6. I've watched my healthy, happy, crazy boys play and fight and love each other (love you to the moon my babies)
  7. I've tried to connect on a more personal level with my primary kids (thanks for teaching me way more than I teach you)
  8. I'm reading again (thanks Tim and Cinn)
  9. I have mastered pinochle, kinda (thanks Mom, Dad, Tim, Ashlie, and Chantz for the hours of fun)
  10. I have held, comforted, snuggled, and bounced sweet Aurelie (thanks for letting me Kessa!)

I still have the same challenges and trials that I had a month ago but for some reason they are no longer my focus. I don't know what has made the difference but I am so truly grateful to all who have helped, supported and stood by me though such a difficult year and I pray that through thick and thin that I will be able to keep this happy, good, sweet feeling flowing through my veins! So thank you, thank you, thank you a million times over.

love ya


William learns to ride...

He has been asking to learn for weeks. But when we'd say "lets go" he would say "not today". Finally on Friday he came home from school and said he was ready. He had it down in no time at all.

I think he got a little confident. He was showing off his barely learned skills and went crashing down. It was pretty funny!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is it English?

Sometimes its probably better that I don't understand him! He can be pretty sassy! Today, while exercising with Kessa, David informed us that he was babysitting Aurelie (who is abt 7 weeks old). She was fussing but finally fell asleep. I tried to send him upstairs so he wouldn't wake her up. He said he couldn't because he was babysitting. We were visiting to distract eachother while killing ourselves on the spin bikes and david Said "shhhhh, be quiet, I'm the babysitter" we couldn't stop laughing but he sure was an excelent babysitter :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sleep Habits

I woke up in the night to the sound of thunder and the brightest of lightning. It was 2 am and this is what I found. It is a good thing we have a king size bed! To all those parents whose kids sleep through the night in there own bed by the time they're 6 months old, or a year even.... consider yourselves lucky. William, in the missed matched pj's, is 6! and David in the diaper is 3. Although Williams visits are not frequent, Davids are not only nightly but usually multiple times nightly! His dad blames me, and he should. I love cuddling with my kids but it sure would be nice to wake up occasionally with out my shoulder kinked and my pillow shared :)

And I can only show you phillip sleeping because it is remarkable. He prefers the pretzel possition. It isn't that he's cold because if I put a blanket on him he would kick it off and curl up again. It is rare that we see him asleep that he doesn't at least have this foot up on his knee.

Well, I do have to admit that this is a little extreme, even for him but he sure is a pretzel!

Wrestling fun with the brothers

Although none of the boys actually wrestled this year, they faithfully attended practice. Even Dae even though he is barely 3 because he loves it and his daddy says yes. Tim actually said he is the easiest of the 3 there because he loves wrestling and practicing! I think David is Tim's hope for getting a son that loves wrestling as much as he does. I guess time will tell.

William vs. David entertaining :)

Who would have thought that Dae can do a cart wheel!

They do tumbling at wrestling practice.

accidents sometimes happen but they are usually short lived