Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dirt Angel's

This is what you do when you live in a desert and can't make snow angel's. These are my little dirt angels! When Tim took my angels to the sand dune he shot this video. I just watched it for the first time and thought it was adorable so I thought I would share.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

View video's in opposite order :)

David is a treasure that is irreplaceable in our home. I love him more than words can express. He is fiesty and determined, driven and stubborn. Everyone in Tim's family says that he reminds them of Aaron. I hope that he keeps those characteristics that have turned Aaron into such a good man. David is my comforter and I have never known a child to be so aware of others feelings and emotions. My baby is 2 but he'll always be my baby!

I didn't even think about practicing blowing out a candle when he turned 2!

David's Birthday

I cut the song into 3 parts because I thought the whole thing was hilarious.

Update on Life

I guess it's time to start blogging again. To update on November and December I just picked my favorite pictures.
My boys are growing like weeds! I can't keep up with them but that doesn't seem to matter. Their dad took them up to one of the sand dunes behind our house and they had so much fun!
David has always loved to dress up. I call him my accessory king. He wears everyones shoes. He always has a hat or beanie on his head and he always has something tucked under his arm. He came walking down the hall in this get up and we had to take a picture. It is a creation all his own! He is so funny!
Phillip came running into the room saying look, I'm big enough to wear dad's tie. What the picture doesn't show is that it is almost dragging on the floor. He is such a sweet heart. He loves nothing more than playing the computer or the wii. When they say you have to put time limits on children's video games I never thought they'd be talking about my 3 year old. He might not look just like his dad but he does act like him!
Harrison Ford, eat your heart out. William asked for the Indiana Jones whip for christmas. We thought it was a silly thing to get but Santa came through and on christmas morning who would have thought that it was the favorite of the toys. The kids have played and played with that hilarious toy. William is never sure which role to play in his own life. Being oldest he wants to be incharge (of everyone) but his nature is such so kind and his is a peacemaker. He goes out of his way to help me and I have missed him in the evenings when he goes to wrestling practice with his dad but he is excited to be learning new wrestling moves. I'll try to get a video of phillip and william practicing.