Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the boys

William got hit in the face by the soccer ball with two minutes to go during his last game of the season. It was a bleeder but he recovered! He had lots of fun until then...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sweet School Pics

I thought these pictures were fun. I took them on the first day of school but never published them. The other day I dropped off a sad phillip at school. I watched as William, who was at recess, saw his brothers need and ran to put his arm around his brothers shoulder and comfort him. It was a sweet and precious moment for me.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So, we have been trying to figure out whose blanket this is for the last 3 months........ If its yours, I have it. If you know whose it is, let me know. Other wise I have a beautiful hand embroidered, hand quilted baby quilt with no owner....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Welcome to my crazy life

David on his way to school, and my crazy boys being crazy (imagine that)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What we do when Mom is gone!!!

William was sure proud of his catch.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Phillip's 4

I can't believe my sweet little baby is 4 now. His favorite thing to hear is how big he is getting! I think that's because everyone has always commented on how little he is, He helped me pick out a cake on the computer then we baked it and decorated it with trucks and chocolate, 2 of his favorite things. He is a true joy and challenge and I love every little bit of my big boy. He loves being old enough to go to sunbeams and sing in Sharing Time. He is having a hard time waiting for school to start. The other day he said to me, "Mom, I'm big. Why can't I go to school yet?" I can only comfort him with the reassurance that it will be time soon! Phillip, I love you to the moon times 256,000. Thanks for being my big baby boy! I hope your smile never stops reaching your big brown eyes.

This is Phillip the morning of his birthday sporting his new spidey hat. Too cool!

This is what I found David doing in the middle of Sunday Morning's Session of Confrence

The boys enjoying easter at the park!

Caught the boys playing together peacefully and wanted to capture the moment.

My Wrestling Baby

These are mostly for Dae's uncles but anyone interested, feel free to enjoy. BTW, dae is potty trained. He'd just wearing a diaper because we're getting ready for bed. He is doing so well that on Sunday visiting Great Grandma Walker he just pulled down his pants in the middle of her lawn and squatted. Needless to say, he didn't just water the grass. Sorry Grandma!

David can't handle loosing. After Phillip pinned him he says "got me" but then he needed to be consoled by daddy

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dr. Seuss's Birthday

In school they celebrated Dr. Seuss's Birthday. So on Monday William got to pick what we had for dinner. He was on dinner for FHE. Guess what he picked!

Friday, February 27, 2009


I went to St. George today and David didn't have one accident!! He isn't what I would called trained but I can see a light at the end of the rainbow. YIPEE

Wrestling Practice

This was Tim's last week of coaching folk style wrestling so I decided to go take some pictures. I had a great time. the boys are hilarious and Tim is like a kid in a candy shop. He loves wrestling and loves to teach the boys. Its almost like he is willing the boys to feel some of his passion and love of the sport. He is so fun to watch coaching. I was looking forward to the end of the season but I could tell he was dreading it. He kept trying to think of different excuses to prolong the season. Well, guess what..... He found one. Freestyle wrestling starts next week and you'll never guess who's going to coach. I am so glad that he has a hobby he enjoys and that he gets to share his abilities with others. Good luck sweetie, I love ya.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

UPDATE - hours 2 to 4 in the potty training saga

All I can say is MERCY. After mopping up a puddle the size of lake mead off my kitchen floor then having to rinse out the underwear in the toilet (and you know why I had to do that) those good old days, they can keep them as long as I can keep disposable diapers! It is awful having to wash out those underwear. If you've ever seen me screw up my face, times it by 10! UGHHHH What have I go myself into. Don't worry, I haven't thrown in the towel yet. I just wish I had.

Well, I'm sure I'll be complaining again soon. Hey, does anyone want to babysit. David dying to visit someone, anyone :)

I give up or is it in?

David has been trying to potty train himself for a month. Today I gave in and he is wearing big boys. What made me make that decision you might ask. Well......... he disappeared this morning and when we went to find him he had locked himself in my bathroom. I could just picture him unrolling the toilet paper or playing in the toilet water. I couldn't get in the room fast enough and when I did, what did I find.... An adorable little boy sitting on the toilet naked trying to go potty. I guess if he has to lock his mom out of the bathroom to try I should just give it a go.

So far.........
2 hours
0 accidents
3 trips to the toilet
(2 times by himself, he is so stinking independent)

He is so proud of himself. Me, I just scared. I've done this before and it isn't my favorite job when it comes to motherhood. It can get a little messy :) But I do have to say, there is something hilarious about him sitting on the toilet with his pa in his mouth. I still can't make myself take it away. He is old enough, I know but he loves it and I love it as much as he does.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wrestling with Dad

Tim is such a good and patient dad! Isn't Dae his little clone! Tim coaches wrestling for the kids in the Valley. The boys love to go to practice with him. The kids are all so nice to them! The other night when I was tucking the boys into bed. It went about like this:
William: Mom, I love you.
Me: oh, I love you too sweety
Phillip: Mom
Me : yes Phillip (expecting another I love you)
Phillip: I have lots of friends huh!
Me: yes
Phillip: There's Kyler and Chris and Jacob and .....................
Me: you are so lucky
He has lots of wrestling friends

Family Time

Sometimes when Daddy has to work the whole family hangs out with him in the computer room. We play computer games, talk and laugh. Earlier that day Mommy and David had gone to the store with Grandma and she just couldn't tell her little Dae no when he started to cry for the biggest stuffed dog they had. He held it on his lap the whole way home from Mesquite. You couldn't even see him in his seat. Needless to say, he really liked the puppy. He cuddled with it all night.

Bedtime Boys

So the other night after getting ready for be we tucked them in and went in the computer room for a little while. Phillip had a nap that day which means late night for him but David and William were tired. As we walked back to the bedroom I decided to take pictures of them. William was all cozy in his bed and Phillip was wide eyed and focused on his wii game but when I went into check on David he wasn't in his room. I immediately panicked because I had already walked through the whole house and hadn't seen him. Then I opened the door to my room and there he was, sound asleep on my bed. He is such a stinker, I love him to death!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mr. Wonderful

All to often my Walker boys blogs revolve around my little munchkins and I forget to pay tribute to sweet husband who recently has earned the name Mr. Wonderful. Words can not do justice to the gratitude and love I feel for my sweet husband. If any one could rewind my life the last 3 months they would see that mt Timmy deserves a purple heart. As my morning sickness kicked into full force 2 days before thanksgiving and I couldn't give up the hope of being able to make the pies I had volunteered to bring.... He is the one who finished the pies thanksgiving day and still tried to give me credit (they were awesome) As I used all the energy I could muster while he was at work just to make sure my kids survived he took on all my homemaking duties. He would get up in the morning and feed the kids breakfast, make William's and his lunch and go to work. When he came home he would make dinner, do the dishes, play with the kids and usually stay up late doing more work remotely from his home office computer. Then he would tuck us all in and it would start all over again. His weekends were devoted to laundry and his children. In January when I miraculously felt better and knew that it was too good to be true it was my husband who drove me to my doc and held my hand when they told me that there wasn't a heart beat.

Needless to say, I became worthless once again. Lost in my own despair, it was my Mr. Wonderful who stood by me once again. He listened when I hated the world. He held me while I cried. He was so kind to me when I was impossible to live with. One day I related to my mom how playful and funny Tim was being and it was my mom and her infinite wisdom that pointed out to my blind eyes how hard he was trying to make me happy. She was right. He has been so selfless and patient with me and I am eternally grateful.

So thank you Tim for being everything and more than I could ever hope for! Thanks for not giving up on me. I love you more than words can express!!!

Question of the Day......

I have been taught my whole life the principles in this scripture:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (
Matthew 11:28–30).

How is it that you have implemented this scripture in your lives? What is it you have done that has brought rest to your souls?

If this question is too personal, just ponder it. If you could share, I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dirt Angel's

This is what you do when you live in a desert and can't make snow angel's. These are my little dirt angels! When Tim took my angels to the sand dune he shot this video. I just watched it for the first time and thought it was adorable so I thought I would share.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

View video's in opposite order :)

David is a treasure that is irreplaceable in our home. I love him more than words can express. He is fiesty and determined, driven and stubborn. Everyone in Tim's family says that he reminds them of Aaron. I hope that he keeps those characteristics that have turned Aaron into such a good man. David is my comforter and I have never known a child to be so aware of others feelings and emotions. My baby is 2 but he'll always be my baby!

I didn't even think about practicing blowing out a candle when he turned 2!

David's Birthday

I cut the song into 3 parts because I thought the whole thing was hilarious.

Update on Life

I guess it's time to start blogging again. To update on November and December I just picked my favorite pictures.
My boys are growing like weeds! I can't keep up with them but that doesn't seem to matter. Their dad took them up to one of the sand dunes behind our house and they had so much fun!
David has always loved to dress up. I call him my accessory king. He wears everyones shoes. He always has a hat or beanie on his head and he always has something tucked under his arm. He came walking down the hall in this get up and we had to take a picture. It is a creation all his own! He is so funny!
Phillip came running into the room saying look, I'm big enough to wear dad's tie. What the picture doesn't show is that it is almost dragging on the floor. He is such a sweet heart. He loves nothing more than playing the computer or the wii. When they say you have to put time limits on children's video games I never thought they'd be talking about my 3 year old. He might not look just like his dad but he does act like him!
Harrison Ford, eat your heart out. William asked for the Indiana Jones whip for christmas. We thought it was a silly thing to get but Santa came through and on christmas morning who would have thought that it was the favorite of the toys. The kids have played and played with that hilarious toy. William is never sure which role to play in his own life. Being oldest he wants to be incharge (of everyone) but his nature is such so kind and his is a peacemaker. He goes out of his way to help me and I have missed him in the evenings when he goes to wrestling practice with his dad but he is excited to be learning new wrestling moves. I'll try to get a video of phillip and william practicing.