Saturday, October 18, 2008

Trip to AZ

Last weekend we went to AZ to see little Nathan get blessed. We had such a good time! These are just some of the pictures of our adventures to the park. They boys had a blast.

Daddy is so silly!

Uncle Jon and William, can you see a family resemblance?
Phillip with his Uncle Aaron, so much fun!
(Doesn't he have the happiest smile, it is so contagious!)
David swinging with Grandpa Walker. Can you say "Cheese"
David was obsessed with aunt Andrea
(that's Grandma with little Nathan)

Sunday mornings are usually pretty crazy! We don't usually have enough time to finish breakfast but sometimes miracles happen. We miss you grandma Leavitt.

Tim's business

Tim and I have owned a computer business for going on 6 years now and we finally decided that his website needed to represent more of what we are and do. After reading and studying all the different marketing stradegies we just decided to say who were are and what we do. Anyway, for all you web site specialist out there, I'd love some advise or even just an editor to correct all my grammar and other mishaps. anyway........
Let me know what you thing and what I should change, thanks for your help...
(and yes that is the most recent family picture I have but Grandma Leavitt will fix that soon enough)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

David's Addiction

This was David this morning. I usually have trouble finding one pacifier around the house but some how this morning he found 3. He is so determined and funny. I love him so much.

If you listen to the background it is William and Phillip playing Wii Star Wars.

And, he did it!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tag, I'm It!

Six weird and random things about me:
The rules are:* Link to the person who tagged you (Camrin)
*Post the rules on your blog
* Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted

Weird things about myself, in no particular order:
1) I had Family Home Evening at my house tonight. There were 32 people in my home. It was wonderful. I love having my family come over, I hope they all felt welcome.
2) I really enjoy gardening but am not a huge fan of a lot of veggies. I just give most of what I grow to my neighbors and family. this year I attempted tomatoes, peas, carrots, onions, corn, green beans, squash. My onions and peas turned out best.
3) I only buy bread a couple times a year. I make it every week and sometimes twice. I enjoyed it so much at first and now me and my family are spoiled by it. Store bought just isn't as good.
4) I know how to put a computer together and I can also name all the components necessary to create a functioning computer. Case, motherboard, memory, power supply, hard drive, processor and cpu fan, cd and or dvd drives, video and audio card if they aren't built into the motherboard, NIC card if you want Internet, (more that I ever wanted to know, thanks timmy)
5) One of the funniest things I have heard this week was Phillip saying to the enemy on Wii Star Wars "It would be my pleasure to kill you bad guy" over and over again. At least he has some manners.
6) I'm totally in love with a computer nerd and couldn't be happier. Thanks for making my life wonderful Tim. You are the best husband and friend ever! (as far as I know)