Saturday, January 14, 2012

Time Goes TOOOO Fast!

Well here it is almost February and lots has happened in our family the last couple of months... I know... I should have been blogging about them. But we are internetless and finding time to get to a computer with Internet has been kind of tricky.

So first off, my little baby girl turned one on the 7th. I can't believe it has been an entire year since she came into our lives. It has been such a blessing to have Evee apart of our family. She is so smart and happy. I love being her mommy!

About mid December we moved once again...I know you all must think we love moving...not in the least...but ya know you just have do what best for your family. We are now living in a cute white, but very small house just about 25 minutes from my parents.

We had a very sunny, not snowy, and fun Christmas together. Santa spoiled us rotten and we had a wonderful time spending the day with both of the fams. We are so blessed and I feel extremely lucky to have such wonderful family and friends. Hope everyone had the happiest holidays as well. May your new year be filled with all kinds of the BEST things in life!!!

Here are some pictures of the BEST things that have been happening in our life...
Evee LOVED her chocolate birthday cake!

For Evee's party we went to Pizza Factory and then bowling afterward. Lot's of fun!

Got to go the Morman Tabernacle Chior Christmas concert with my HOT honey and the folks. Went on our annual Christmas sleigh ride with my of our favorite christmas traditions!Garrett loves his nieces!Not an easy thing to push around...but when shopping with'll do anything to avoid drama...

Love this face!