Sunday, November 29, 2009

What a HAPPY Thanksgiving!

First of all I hope everyone had just as fun this Thanksgiving weekend as we did. We really enjoyed spending time with family while eating good food. My sister came up for the holiday and we always have a lot of fun when they're around. My Grandma Wassom was also around and we really enjoyed seeing her! Along with eating tooooooons of food this weekend we also got to celebrate my little nieces 4th birthday. On Friday we had a fun party with presents and cake. After Jaida opened all of her gifts we headed to Ogden to see Ballet West perform in The Nutcracker. We all had soooooo much fun! The dancers we all amazing as well as beautiful. Saturday we drove up to Bear Lake with Ryan's family to cut down Christmas trees. The day was perfect and we ended up cutting down a total of four trees in one afternoon...which is an all time record I think! After we cut down our trees we all went to the family cabin and watched the BYU v Utah game...which by the way BYU won! Yay! So all in all we had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! I am so thankful for my little family and all the things we enjoy on a daily basis. I know we have it pretty darn good! I also just wanted to say thanks mom for having the faith in my to make the only three creme pies on Thanksgiving and thanks Chris for your yummy recipe! Love you guys!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Need your Help!

So I have this research methods class up at Weber State this semester and I need to enlist everyone's help in filling out a quick survey. If anyone is interested send me an e mail so I can send it for you to take. ( Thanks everyone!!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Time!

Jaida as the beautiful Bell and Kaya as the cutest fairy ever.

Zach the carpentar.

Matching outfits. Soooo cute!

Kaya found this box and loved playing in it.

Jaida and Mom making cookies

Finished product! Yum!

Ryan carving his master peice.

Jaida's pumpkin

Ryan's pumpkin

This weekend we took a trip with my parents to Grand Junction to visit my sister and grandma. We had soooo much fun! We left Thursday night from Ogden around 7:00 and got into Junction around 12:30 (not bad). Friday we spent the day carving pumpkins and hanging out. Ryan carved the cutest cat and Jaida, my sister's little girl, helped my dad, Grandpa, carv a cute smiley face pumpkin. Kaya had a blast helping carv pumpkins too, she didn't mind reaching clear into the pumpkin to help clean out all the guts either.