Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our life

So we have had a busy few months! Christmas, New Years, Evee's birthday, and now it's almost the week of love. Crazy how time flies! Evee turned two on the 7th. Ryan will be 28 on Feb 11th and we'll be celebrating our 6th anniversary. We are enjoying everyday in our crazy but fantastic life together. Here are a few pictures of the goings on in our house over the last two months.
She's my little valentine! 
My little whoo
Best Friends!
Just being goofy with daddy's phone
That's right we're cool...
He kind of looks like Mario...haha 
My cute little bug
My sweet princess

Evee is our brave little dare devil... this video is pretty cute! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Shelves and one AWESOME father!

I have the BEST dad EVER...I told him it would be nice to have some shelves for the girls room for extra space...and what does he do? He goes and buys all the supplies and within days I have new shelves! I love them! It's so nice to be able to grab a book without having to dig through a bunch of boxes! Thanks dad I love them!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Run for your's MONSTERS!!!

This year we are a family of beware we may be coming to your house this year....

Friday, September 14, 2012

Little Update

So it has been a way long time since I posted anything....I just have a hard time being motivated to do it much anymore...but I still like having a blog to keep tabs on family and friends. So I'll just say we've had an awesome summer filled with lot's of camping trips, hiking, swimming, and fun!! We are looking forward to the fall...I LOVE fall...especially the cooler temps. Here are a few pics of the last several months. Hope you're all happy and well.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Here Comes Peter Cottontail...

I had to work in the morning on Easter Sunday so it was up to Ryan to get the girls all ready for church in their Easter outfits...he sent me these pics while I was at work and I think he did a pretty good job getting these cute little girls ready! When I got home from work around 2:30 the Easter Bunny came and hid some baskets and eggs. The girls got some cute new clothes and lots and lots of candy!

Hope everyone had a happy Easter! We are so grateful for our Savior, without him we wouldn't have the happy life we do! I'm so grateful and blessed to have a beautiful family. I'm blessed to be a mom and I love every moment I get to spend with the ones I love most.

Don't you just LOVE Evee's hair...she looks like a little cabbage patch doll.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lot's of Random!

Well we are still without the internet. Hopefully soon we'll have it installed at our new place but until then that's my excuse for not blogging in the last two months. But we have been pretty busy lately too. I just started another job about three weeks ago and have been working about 40 hours a week...needless to say, blogging is the last thing on my list of things to do. But we still have had lots of fun together too. So now when I have a chance to blog at my mom's I forget to bring my camera...brilliant I know. But anyway these pictures are all pretty random, we just took them off of Ryan's phone. It's easy to see how happy our little family is. I'm so lucky to have such cute, busy girls! There's no doubt about it....I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!!!
Trying to get us all to sit still long enough to get a picture. This is totally blurry but I love Ryan and Kaya's faces.
Got a new calling as the Bear's Cub Scout leader...CRAZINESS....that's all I can say.
Our new spot for time not really the girls just like to sit up there for some reason.
Home made bread sticks we made for Super Bowl Sunday...DELICIOUS!!!!
Kaya loves them too!
My girls love to be messy...Evee loves her cookies.
Playing with the chickens! Evee actually got her finger nipped at but that didn't stop her from chasing the chickens around the yard.
I can't believe how big she is getting!
Kaya sat down here and said, "Mom will you take my picture?" Of course I said yes...she's sitting by a bunch of diaper boxes...haha makes me laugh!
Evee's had this goose egg on her head for like four weeks now. She totally nailed a stool with the front of her head! Instant bump and then a week later she whacked it on my parents railing...poor thing! But she still has the cutest face I've EVER seen!!! Love this girl!
We have a big walnut tree in our backyard...perfect for climbing! Walnuts everywhere though so it's pretty messy.
Both the girls could swing all day if we let them!
Gotta love Evee's little pig tails...oh and she is pretty much obsessed with our neighbors kitties. She is over there every chance she can get. Poor cats see her coming and take off!