Friday, June 4, 2010

For Paula and Jess

This is pretty much the idea, I know its a totally crappy picture. My photographer hasn't had time to take pics of these for me yet. You can have it say anything you want! And they will be very affordable to! I am thinking $7

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Awesome Giveaway......

I absolutely love Inner Hooker, and she is doing a giveaway! Head over here to enter!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

We are still alive!

Wow, I can't believe how crazy life has been! I have had to give up a lot of things lately cause I just have WAY to much on my plate! So blogging was one of the things that got pushed to the side. :( But since my kids are asleep and for some odd reason I can't sleep here I am! Here is a little update on what we have been up to!

We moved back to UT! It has been a WONDERFUL thing in many ways, and a very very sad thing in many other ways. I have decided that its just not fair to have 2 homes. I am so torn between AZ and UT. If only we could buy a home in both states and become snow birds!!! Maybe someday. We moved back because Chad finally decided to go back to school! He got derailed years ago and took his sweet time decided to go back. He will officially be a full time student at UVU on Wednesday. I know he is way nervous but he hides it well. But I know he will do great. He is a great student. He is working for the Census Bureau full time too. But it is a temporary job so he is still looking for something to do when he is done with that. Other than that he is the same ol Chad!

As for me.....
Life is insane! Sew Simply Sweet is keeping me WAY busy! I don't think I knew what I was getting into! But I LOVE every minute of it! I just finished a 3 day boutique today. It went pretty good! However I'm having a really hard time keeping websites updated so those of you that are far away don't get to see everything I accomplish very much. Sorry! We started an etsy site awhile ago but haven't used it much. But since its a lot easier to update and use we think we are going to lean more in that direction. So this should be more updated very soon! I was approached today by another vendor who fell madly in love with my new headbands! She wants to order them wholesale from me to sell in her shop!!! Its moments like that that keep me plugging along! We have also been invited to have our products sold in a couple stores here in UT! We are having a bit of a hard time trying to decide which direction to go in. Boutiques are a TON of work, and are very hit and miss. House parties are a lot easier and tons of fun, but finding hosts is difficult. The internet is a great way to find customers, but that requires some techy knowledge that I don't have! So who knows what we will do next but it is sure to be fun!

My little girl is just as sweet as ever. (except the time that she blew her nose and wiped it in her bothers hair) She is such a big helper. (except the time that she tried to poor Ben a glass of milk and spilled ALL over the kitchen floor). She loves to learn and is very ready for kindergarten in the fall! (Expect the fact that she still complete strips when she goes to the bathroom, even when its just pee!) Mallory was an angel child for the first few years of her life. But now its another story. She is really pushing my buttons lately! Love her to death but oh man she can be really hard to deal with! She has got to be the messiest kid that has ever lived! She is a total pack rat! And she can go from being so sweet and loving to being a total monster in seconds! I am hoping this phase ends soon!

My little man is growing way to fast! I no longer have a baby. He turns 3 in a couple weeks. I can't believe how fast time is flying. He loves books, but he loves dinosaurs even more. He can name a bunch of different ones and is always talking about them. He has his crazy moments still but he really seems to be calming down. The other morning he came into our room for his morning cuddle and he looked at me in the eyes and said " Mom, I don't love you." And then after a long thoughtful pause in which I was totally stunned and shocked he goes, " I LOVE you!" I wish I could explain how he said it. You just have to hear it to get it. I think he realized that day what love is. When he said he didn't "love" me he said the word very plain and boring. And then when he said " I  LOVE you" he annunciated the "LOVE" very very much! I think it dawned on him just how much he loves me! He doesn't just love me, he LOVES me! And now he says it to me all the time! I don't love you, I LOVE you! But he is a boy so sometimes he can be pretty rough. He goes in for a hug or kiss and ends up hurting us most of the time! He head butts and bonks us a lot. He is going to need to play sports for sure. He is very physical. He REALLY loves his daddy. They are together as much as possible. He finally loves nursery, but sacrament meeting is torture!

Anyways I hope to post some pictures soon. But they have changed the way you post pictures and videos so much that I have to relearn it so it might now happen any time soon.......

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


My sleepy little girl in her car seat

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My little Superhero!

I made this cape for Ben today cause I was feeling bad that Mallory gets all the prototypes for
Sew Simply Sweet and everything is very girly so far. He couldn't be happier; thus, I couldn't be happier! He keeps running around the house yelling "Ben's flying, Ben's flying!" And the fact that he is only in unders 90% of the time just makes it so darn cute! Do you agree? Do you think I should sell capes at my boutique? Leave me a comment letting me know what you think?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Longest post in the history of blogging!

Ok here goes the spewing of the camera! Hold on tight!

First we have pictures of our family carwash day! We had a lot of fun! Our car was getting really gross and we are a little short on money so we decided to do it the old fashion way!

After washing the car we decided to take a swim in our HUGE pool! I pretty sure there was more bodies in the pool than water!

Mallory found her new favorite books! Fancy Nancy! We love her! So one day we decided to decorate her room just like Fancy Nancy does. So we spent all day making decorations and such and then we put them up in her room. And sadly she hung everything up just at her heigth which is also Ben's heigth and before I could get a picture of her room all fancied out tornado Benjamin hit. Sorry Mallory. But here are pictures of us making the decorations.

It didn't take long for Benjamin to realize that the markers were sented markers! Hail Hitler! Hehehehehehe

Sometimes he isn't very smart! But who is at 2!

This next part is slightly graphic! If you have a queasy stomach skip it! If you are a mother it is no big deal! You have been there done that!

If you could hear what happened when I took this picture you would have heard Ben yell POOP! He was so happy! Thats right, Ben is potty trained!!! I couldn't be prouder! He just turned 2 in June and he has been showing signs that he was ready for quite awhile so I decided to go for it and it worked! I don't have to change diapers anymore!!!! I am free!!! It is wonderful. Thank you Ben. Well until the next baby comes, no I am not making any annoucements!

And here my big boy is with his very first poo in the potty!!!!

I just love to see him in his big boy unders! It reminds me that it has been weeks since I have changed a diaper!!! LolAnd what a cute tooshie!!
Please pay no attention to the mess!
When you can' t find your own unders its ok to borrow sisters Tink unders right? Hahahahaha

In June we went to the Science Museum in Phoenix with our friends the Hansom's. They had the really cool lego exhibit there. The things people build with legos are just amazing!

What cute little princesses, and dragon!
Ben wasn't scared at all! He is all boy!
But Mallory is such a wuss sometimes!
Fun fun fun!

rChad finally let me hire my very own dishwasher!
And then he hired his own washer!

One night in July Chad came home from work to this sweet dog chillin in our front yard. We decided to let her stay the night in our backyard. That one night turned in to two nights, which turned into three nights, which somehow turned into a month!!! We did everything we could to find her family. She was such a sweet obviously very loved puppy. But after a month of not finding her family we decided we couldn't keep her. She was a pit bull and I know lots of people really say that they are good dogs, but I just couldn't get past their attacking nature. We named her Roxy and had a lot of fun with her for a month, but then we found her a new home. I really miss her, I think we need another dog! Here are pictures of some of the good times we had with our Roxy.
My floors were really clean of crumbs for a month! I miss that for sure!

Since we didn't really get to plan a summer vacation this summer we decided to spend a couple days with my family in Mesa. Its only an hour away but it still felt like a vacation. I guess you would call it a staycation! Here are a few pictures of the kids having fun.

This is my niece Sydney. Isn't she a doll! The first night we were there we realized that Sydney and Mallory had matching jammies. Mallory was very excited about this!

This is the 4 youngest of me and my sisters kids. Ben, Sydney, Mallory, and Hailey.
Then a couple weeks later they decided to come out to Surprise to stay a couple of days with us. We had a lot of fun! We ate good food, went swimming, and enjoying being together! Here is another naked baby picture of Sydney, isn't she so cute!We sorta have a tradition with these three bathing together when we get to stay with each other. They are getting so big this tradition won't last much longer!

If anyone is still reading this (I highly doubt anyone had enough stamina to last this long!) you now get to see pictures of our very last minute trip to Las Vegas! Chad's dad works there a lot and he was staying there is a really nice hotel suite and he called and invited us to join him. We were only there for about 24 hours but we had a blast!

I was actually really nervous about the 5 hour drive since Ben had only pen potty trained for a couple weeks. But he was a champ! Making a boy pee on the side of the road is much much easier than a girl! Here is his first road side pee!! Go Ben!

Chad's dad watched the kids for a bit while Chad and I had some "adult" fun! Well as adult fun as you can get in Vegas as mormons! We gambled one whole dollar!! It really wasn't very fun. But we felt like we had to at least try it!Here are the kids enjoying a swim in the HUGE tub that was in the suite.
We took the kids to some fun places. The M&M World was pretty fun. We saw a 3D movie and saw lots and lots of M&M stuff! I have no idea why Mallory is such a wuss around things like this. She is a weirdo sometimes.

We also did something that I was not to thrilled about. We went to this aquarium place in the Mandalay Bay that is supposedly the only zoo in America that displays only preditors! You heard me right only preditors that live underwater! Now if you know me at all you will know that this just about killed me! I hate water and all living things in it! Especially sharks! And we stood inches from them! I don't think my heart beat at all the couple hours that we spent there! We had to walk through this glass tunnel where the sharks were just chillin and the floor was even glass!!!! I ran through that part! The pictures are really dark cause it was really dark throughout the whole place so click on the pictures and see if you can make out all the preditors!
Jelly Fish!

Here is one last picture of my sweet kiddos. I am pretty sure that I missed some good stuff that we have done this summer, but they will have to wait for the next post. I am very tired and off to bed!