Saturday, June 9, 2012

drawing challenge

Mano invited me for the drawing challenge of this week. Her theme was: Letters. So I made a drawing inspired by an older Pippi-drawing of mine. I like what came out of it: is the girl happy because she got so many letters, is she throwing them away or is she handing them out?
If you want to see more of the drawing challenge of this week, check out Mano's blog for all the participants.

Monday, June 4, 2012


For the exhibition last week a made a postcard of the drawing "play my darling play". I would like to send some of them to you as a thank you for reading and following my blog and taking the time to leave such nice comments. And it's also my 201 post, hurray!
Same rules as before: leave a comment and I contact you for your address. The first 5-15 comments get a card!

Friday, June 1, 2012

it comes to you in slow attacks

A few days after the exhibition and my head is full of ideas. At first I just thought: well, back to work and finish the drawing I started. But now the new ideas just keep coming and I have to write them down and make some new sketches so my head settles down. The funny thing is that if I have a lot of new ideas, it paralysis me at first and I can't really start. It's like I can't get a grip on it. But that's over know, back to work, now for real!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

quite happily

Some pictures of the exhibition. It went really good: the weather was very nice this weekend, different locations took part in this exhibition-route, so there were a lot of visitors who took the time to come and see the exhibition. I'm very pleased how everything turned out: my drawings looked very good, a lot of visitors and nice reactions.

Friday, May 25, 2012

pressure is building up

Tonight is the opening of the exhibition. I'm looking forward to it but I'm also a bit nervous, but everything should be done by then.

I'm away until Wednesday, so pictures of the exhibition next week. I wish everyone a nice, sunny weekend!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

rise and shine my sister

As I showed my t-sirt experiments to my sweet little sister she immediately said that she also wants one, even if I'm still in the try-our phase. So off course I made her a shirt and I hope she's happy with it. And me too: my first order, even if it's not an official one.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

pack my bag

After making two t-shirts with my drawings on it, this time I made a drawing on a bag. What do you think of this experiment? I think I like it.

At the same time I'm still working and thinking about the t-shirts. I did some research on printing the drawing on the shirt, but that was not really what I want or what I'm looking for. Maybe I find a place where I can do some tests with silkscreen. But the real question here is: do I want to make a lot at the same time to sell or do I want to make an artwork on a t-shirt? Which means it will be more expensive but exactly the way I want it to be. Or is it just an experiment and for me? Well, as you can see: I have a lot to think about...

Monday, May 14, 2012


For everyone who wants to visit or happen to be in Maastricht: you can see my drawings during the KunstTour Maastricht. More than 200 artists of international diverse backgrounds will exhibit their work. The opening takes place on friday the 25 of May and you can visit the exhibition on the 26, 27 and the 28 of May. You can find my work in The Royal Mosa, a former porcelain factory, which is also the epicenter of the Art Tour and starting point for the walking and bike routes which will take you through the studios, squats and art institutions.
For more information, routes and addresses:

Friday, May 11, 2012

the edge of May

The last two weeks we had a lot of rain over here. At the same time it was very warm so that are good conditions for plants to grow. Because it was so cold for a long time, there was not a lot of work in the garden, but now everything just exploded! So this weekend I have to work a little bit in our garden. Not to much, I like a wild garden, but I still want to see the funny schulpture and my strawberry-plants also need some space. And I have to sort out my drawings: which ones I will show in the exhibition. A busy weekend it will be, I hope you will enjoy yours too!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

still in control

I started a new drawing, this time she has a weapon again....

A few of my drawings will be shown in an exhinbition during Whitsun holidays in two weeks. More information soon!

Friday, May 4, 2012

happiness for a day or two

We have this tradition in my family that every year we spend a weekend together. We rent a large house (I have a big family) somewere in The Neherlands and spend two days together. We started this as my grandparents died and we didn't see much of eachother. My grandparents were the ones who kept us all together. I'm a real family girl so I love it and in two hours this year's weekend starts. I have to go and pack my bags. I wish you all I nice weekend!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What do you think? and more...

As you can see I made a second t-shirt with a drawing on it. In this post I showed you my first steps into the world of t-shirts, fibre-tip pens and fabric. I told you of my concern that the drawing would fade or even be totally gone if I washed it. Well.... It's not gone, but the drawing is fading away. I did some research and the first shirt I used was not 100% cotton. Even if it's only 95% cotton, this could be the reason. So I made this yellow version on a 100% cotton shirt (it's not easy to find a nice cotton shirt for a woman...) and I washed it twice and it's looking good! I'm going to wash it a bit more, because I want to sure. And by the way: I'm standing in front of a new finished drawing.

Friday, April 27, 2012

rules of the queen

Every year on the last day of April, the Netherlands celebrates the birthday of the Queen’s mother. On this day, all Dutch cities, small or big, are bustling with street parties and other festive events.  There are also parades, craft shows, flea markets, freemarkets, children’s parties, free music performances, street theatres and fireworks.
We dress up in orange-themed outfits, locals and tourists gather in the streets for this internationally renowned celebration, which goes on until the evening or even until the next day. We start celebrating Queen's Day from the evening before the Queen's Day itself. Usually, the parties start from 7pm and go on until the early hours of Queen's Day. So It's going to be a busy weekend and monday: we don't have to work on Queen's Day! Wish you also a nice weekend, whatever your plans are.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

eyes blink bright lights

At the same time that I'm trying to put my drawings on a t-shirt, I'm also working on a new drawing on paper. I wish you all a good start in this new week!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What do you think?

As you can see I'm going into fashion-design, haha! No, I just have this new idea for my drawings to put them on t-shirts. This is the first shirt and it's just a try out to see how the fibre-tip pen works on fabric and if the drawing has a nice effect on a shirt. Now I have to wash it and find out if the drawing is gone or still on the shirt.... I like to draw it on the shirt myself and not have it printed. This way it has almost the same effect as in my drawings with  pencil.
So, how do you like this new idea?

Monday, April 16, 2012

to fall, to fall at your feet

Thank you all for your nice comments on my last post. I do feel a little bit better and I managed to finish a drawing and start a new one. Now I'm tired and going to take a break. I don't want this cold to last any longer then necessary. I wish you all a nice week!

Monday, April 9, 2012

take a moment

Easter monday is almost over so back to my studio, back to a new drawing! I just have to finish a couple of small things and then this one is also done.

Friday, April 6, 2012

the grassy bits between

My rabbit Pollock insisted to play the Easter Hare this year!
I wish you all a nice, sunny Easter weekend!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

only in my head

These are two of my new drawings. As I started them I was absolutely convinced by the new directions the drawings were going. As I finished this one, I already wasn't so sure about my new idea, but I told myself that at least I have to finish the second one. So I did and there should be a number 3, but I don't know if I will ever draw that one. I'm already started a new drawing in another direction. This is not what I imagined them to be. Maybe the drawings will work if you see them all 3 hanging next to each other, like a triptych. Sometimes the images in my head turn out to be a bit different in reality...