*Perfect cup of tea...
*biscuits ,my favourite Marie..
*some left overs of the plum cake
*the smell of tulsi leaves,is it tulsi chai today or elaichi?
*making my little one drink milk:-)
*waiting for light to make its way in the corners
*my camera on" take" mode
*long walks in parks;
*Music in the morning
*some fresh flowers on the table
*flowers plucked fresh for god
*"coo" ing of doves at our windows
*Quick breakfasts
**Its Morning hours,
*do pause and enjoy the sense of the day
Have a good day!
a small compilation of the moods of different mornings.............
i take you all into my small world of "perfect teas and marie biscuits and fragrance and flowers".

pause and wait for more
do tell me how you enjoy your mornings..
Images and ideas conceived and photographed by LAkshmi Arvind
pl dont copy or steal