Thursday, February 23, 2012

One year in Utah


We did it! We just hit our one year mark living in Utah, and what a year it has been. Time has flown by. We moved away from family and life as we had always known it, to a new area for a new opportunity. As scary and exciting as that has been, I find comfort in knowing that we are supposed to be here. There are too many little and big things that have shown us just that.

There has been lots of family bonding.  Since we no longer live by our #1 babysitters (the grandparents) Dal and I are getting used to date night including two little boys, a quick dinner at Cafe Rio, and possibly a Redbox if we are feeling crazy. Living away from family is a totally new experience for me. I worry about my kids not seeing their cousins every week, and not having them as best friends like I did. I'm not used to having my own Sunday dinner, or having my closest relative live over an hour away. But I feel like we have a pretty good setup, only being a quick three hour drive from home. We are establishing our own family unit, with our own family traditions, and our own way of life. Yikes.

In between DIY projects and painting around the house, we have kept ourselves pretty busy. After living in our house for six months now, we are getting familiar with the area, and are finding some of our favorite spots to go, even though I still use the GPS everyday. It may take a little getting used to, but I love that this is becoming our home together. We are excited to see what the next year in Utah brings!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Kai says:

This is a funny little boy. He came to the earth to teach me patience and love.

The journey of getting him to hear and speak has definitely been a challenge, but has made every little word and advancement in his speech so rewarding.  I have spent countless hours stressing, researching, and getting him in speech therapy.  It melts my heart to see him catching up to kids his age.  Having him be able to communicate his feelings, thoughts, and wants sure makes things a lot easier than always playing the "uh- is this what your talking about" game. We still have a long ways to go, but I am very thankful that we aren't dealing with something more serious. I think I often got caught up in focusing on what he wasn't saying, that I wasn't documenting and celebrating the little improvements he was making like I should have been. Now, it's time to celebrate! He has such a bright and funny personality, and I love hearing the words that come out of him.

This morning I was woken up by Kai yelling under his door, "Mom, patty cake. Patty cake. Patty cake!" I went in and started singing Patty Cake with him, thinking that was what he wanted. He let me know that was definitely not what he was talking about. So I put out my finger for him to lead me to "patty cake." He lead me downstairs, opened the pantry, and pointed up to the top shelf at pancake mix.
Patty cake = pancake. 
Ok, got it!

For lunch yesterday I told him I was going to make him a sandwich, and gave him some options of what kind he could have. He says, "YELLOW jam!!" It took me a minute to figure out what he was wanting, so I just pulled out the peanut butter to get started, and he starts clapping and getting so excited saying, "YELLOW jam, yellow jam!! Thanks mommy!"
Yellow jam = peanut butter.
Grandma Bonnie is on a cruise, and I had told Kai that she was on a ship. We had prayed that she would be safe in our family prayer. The next morning when we said morning prayers, we were praying that  Grandma Bonnie would be safe, and Kai yells, "Dramma Bennie on a pirate ship!! Trees, treasure, gold coins." I think he might be watching a little too much t.v, and reading too many pirate books! I told Dal about it, and we both died laughing when Kai said pretty close to the same thing again that night at family prayer, except he added in a bird. (parrot)
Cruise ship = Pirate ship.
Hope you are having fun on your Pirate ship "Dramma Bennie!"

I'm so proud of you little Kai.  I can't wait to hear what you say today!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Be where you are.

I want to remember the little moments I get to experience with my kids every day.
I want to be able to show and tell them details about the things that they liked growing up, and share memories of the things we did together. 

This year I have made it a goal to really be in the moment, and to be there for my husband and kids. There are little moments that I am constantly passing over because my mind is focused on my daily task list, or I am occupied with something else. 

Today I was reminded of my resolution during bath time. We have such a busy weekend ahead, and I was banking on getting ready while the boys took a bath in my tub. But as the little darlings kept calling for my attention, I remembered that these little moments deserve more of my attention than my hair does.
Luckily my camera was close by to capture their funny little personalities today.
My favorite photo of the year so far! Thumbs up!
What makes for a good bath time?
-Mom's tub.
-Cups, lots of cups.
-Kai picking out which towel he will use, and which towel Cal gets.
-Not washing their hair.
-Refilling the tub at least twice. 
-Turning any toy into a speed boat racing across the water. 
-At least one crying to get out, because the other dumped water on their head. 
-Having mom sit on the edge of the tub with her legs in. 
-Turbo dry before we put their clothes on.
bath time collage
My window to get ready passed, my wet hair didn't get dried, my makeup isn't on, and I am still in my pj's. 
It doesn't matter what small or big thing they are doing, they love having my full attention.  I want to be more present and focused, because time isn't standing still.
And there is nothing that smells better than a clean baby.

Monday, January 9, 2012


christmas morning fam

christmas2011 collage

I really hate that Christmas is over. I truly look forward to it all year. We spent our Christmas break back and forth between the cabin, and Dal's family in Rigby. The boys weren't too sure what all the Christmas hoopla was all about, but they had a blast playing with cousins, opening presents, and playing with everyone else's toys. Note to self: buy the same toys for both boys, and buy exactly whatever cool toy the cousins are getting.

My favorite thing this year was Kai saying "Merry Christmas tree" to everyone, instead of just Merry Christmas.

Christmas 2012 can't come soon enough!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Traditions and Christmas lights

Growing up, we always had lots of traditions that we did every year. From parades, to baking, and Christmas caroling on a school bus, there was always lots to do to get us in the Christmas spirit. 
This is our first year living away, and I have realized that now it is up to me to create fun, and memorable traditions for our family to look forward to every year. 
Dallin and I both wanted to make going to see the lights a tradition that we started last year. I love that we now live so close to Temple Square. There is always such a special spirit there. 
The boys were all bundled up, and ready for dinner. It was freezing!!
Even though it was crazy busy, and we couldn't feel our toes, I'm so glad we made the trip down to see the lights. Just being on Temple Square helps you remember the true meaning of Christmas. 
Christmas time is a time of family, and I sure look forward to the traditions that we will create together. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday haircuts

Pre-haircut madness.

I have practically refused to cut the boys hair for a very long time, hoping that they could effortlessly pull off the long shag like little gap models. They are the cutest boys in town, but they were starting to look somewhat homeless. You would think that after giving haircuts to hundreds of little boys, that cutting my boys hair would be so simple. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. 

Well, the shag had gone far enough. It didn't lay like little gap model hair. It was time. I got my game face on, gave myself a pep talk, and took a deep breath. There was no turning back. After 50 packs of hairy fruit snacks, screaming, tears, and Dal holding their heads with all his might, our boys now look like they have signed up for the army. (Please don't call Child Protective Services on us.) I was going as short as possible, because it was going to be a very, very long time before I get up the strength to do it again. 

Good thing they are so cute.  I now know it is possible to love short haired little boys even more than I had loved the homeless-shag babies. Very thankful we survived this years holiday haircuts. 

I will post pictures after they get out of therapy from post-haircut-trauma. Bring on the holidays!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Quiet time

Quiet time usually equals trouble.

But quiet time can often be oh-so-sweet. 

I find myself searching for little activities and outings to do with the boys. The other day, I had this ingenious idea to take them to the library. I thought, my kids love books! Why not make a fun afternoon out of it? 

Well, that was a horrible idea. I couldn't help but laugh at the circus I was pushing around in a double stroller as others quietly read, studied, and stared. 

Kai would yell with excitement as he turned the pages of Thomas The Train books. Cal cried for a nap, a bottle, and to get out of the library. I handed out grapes, drinks, and suckers to promote reverence in a library with a "no food" policy. Oops. I then headed for the parenting section in hopes of finding the book "Parenting For Dummies."

I am thankful for the quiet moments I find them reading books together. 
It makes wild adventures, like going to the library, totally worth it.