Sunday, February 10, 2013


On February 11, 2012 our little Tanner Robinson Wright decided to show up 4 weeks early! He was 5lbs 5oz and was 17 1/2 inches long. He was just a tiny little thing. When he was born we all thought he looked EXACTLY like McKay. He had a little trouble breathing, so they took him to the NICU for 6 hours until he could get his levels up. He had to get an iv and was hooked up to all sorts of machines. It was so sad. He was a tough little guy though and we got to take him home 2 days later. He was borderline jaundice, so I had to take him in to the lab every day to get his little foot pricked so they could check his jaundice levels. On the 6th day of doing that, they told me that he looked good, and I wouldn't have to bring him in anymore! YAY! On the next day I woke up with a horrible stomach ache....and then got a fever. I knew that wasn't a good sign, so I called the doctor. I went in on Monday morning to see Dr. Kvartford, and he decided that I had a uterine infection, and walked me over to the hospital and admitted me. I had to be in the hospital for 3 days, and couldn't have Tanner with me. It was so awful. After I got out of the hospital I had to go to the iv clinic everyday for a week and get antibiotic. It was quite a crazy time.....but SO worth it! I love my baby T!

Happy Birthday CARL

This month has been CRAZY!! Carl celebrated his 32nd birthday! We got him some new shoes and shirts, went to dinner with the Lyman's to Samuri 21, and had cupcakes. He is such a good man. I seriously can't believe how lucky I am to have him as my husband. He is such a great dad, great husband, great friend, and overall great person. I love him so much. The older he gets, the HOTTER he gets! haha I am sooooo grateful for him.

More Pictures from 2011


Ella had her Winter dance recital, and she did such a great job! She looked so pretty, and is such a good little dancer! She loves getting her make up done, so it was fun getting her all dolled up for her recital. Grandma Debbie, Chase and Kailee made it down for her recital and she loved that.

We had such a wonderful Christmas this year. We did things a little different, and it was awesome! We had our annual Christmas Eve party at Lori's. It is such a fun tradition. I think the most exciting thing for me about the party is when we got to find out what we were having. We tried to wait until the baby was born to find out, but I couldn't do it. I had an ultrasound the day before we headed up north, so I had the tech write it down on a paper what the baby was and put it in an envelope. I opened it at the the party! It was DEFINITELY a BOY! We were so excited.(I don't have any pictures of opening the envelope:(

Later that night we went to my mom's and Ryan, Kara and the kids slept over so Santa brought everything to my mom's house! It was so great! We all got to open presents together, and it was great! Christmas is just so much fun with kids! I love it.