Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fun Day at the Park

It has been such great weather here....not too hot, not too cold, just perfect, so we have been taking advantage of it!! Yesterday, the kids and I went to the park and had a good time. McKay was getting pretty daring on the slide, which I am not sure if I am to fond of. He is just getting so big!! Ella is also growing up so fast. I put her in the swing and she LOVED it!! She just kept smiling and laughing. She is such a sweet little girl!! I just love these kids!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

What About The Bear??

Okay.....so this has to be the funniest thing McKay has done in his little life so far. McKay and Ella were in the living room, and I was in the kitchen ( I seem to always be in the kitchen!!) and McKay was saying, "Diaper, diaper, diaper". I looked in and saw this....

I was laughing so hard at him! I tried to get a couple pictures of him, so I said, "Put the diaper on the bear so he doesn't go pee pee on the floor", just then he jumped up and said, "Toilet", so I opened the bathroom door for him...and this is what he did with the bear.....

Then he said, "Poop, poop", and did this....

I had to call Carl and tell him, because it was just so funny! When I was on the phone with him, McKay came in with his bear, but the bears shirt was missing....So I asked where the bears shirt was and he said, "Shoer, shoer"...now this word can be interpeted as shirt or shower....and I thought he was saying shirt until McKay lead me to the bathroom...he was saying shower!! He made me open the bathroom door again and he wanted to get his bear in the shower! I told him that we could get the bear in the shower later tonight, and then I told McKay to get the bears shirt so we could put it back on him. He walked right over to the hamper and grabbed the shirt out of it!! I wasn't able to get pictures of him doing all of that...it just happened to quick!

I know that all kids do stuff like this, but when it is your own kid...it is just amazing to see how observant they really are! What a funny little boy!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sock AND Shoe Obsession

Okay...So I know I have posted before about McKay's obsession with shoes....but now he is obsessed with socks AND shoes! The kid cracks me up! He insists every morning to help Carl put on his shoes and socks. After that is done, he will find socks...any socks...Ella's socks, socks out of the laundry hamper, socks out of the drawers...anything he can find and put them on! Then he will put Carl's shoes on. It really is an every day ritual! He puts my shoes on sometimes, and he even tries to squeeze his size 8 foot in Ella's size 1 shoe! I Love these kiddos!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I can't believe that Halloween has already come and gone! We had a great Halloween. Carl came home from work a little early so that we could carve pumpkins(we are slackers...but we did it)! McKay was so funny....he did NOT like to touch the pumpkin. He kept saying,"sick" and "mess". We were mean and kind of forced him to touch it...and he cried! Rude... I know. There were some gloves that came in the carving kit, so we put those on him, and he was MUCH happier! Ella wasn't to into the pumpkin carving. She just sat in her carseat and ate some lunch instead!

Trick or Treating was great! Carl and I got a little excited and dressed our kids up way to early. We went outside, and NO ONE was out yet, so we came back in the house and Mac was already done wearing his costume...so yes, we took it off! After the first person came to our house, we dressed the kids again and headed out. McKay was so cute. He would go to the door, knock and say "treat"....and then he would say, "tank you" after he got the candy. He kept his costume on all night...the hat and everything! Ella just hung out in the stroller. She also kept her little hood on all night too. I was surprised that they both weren't trying to rip there hats off! After we got home McKay was done! He grabbed his blanket, asked for juice and just threw himself on the ground! We were laughing so hard! The poor little guy was just worn out! It was a really fun Halloween!