Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Fun Week!

Lately it seems like we have had so much going on....and the good part is...everything has been fun and exciting! On Wednesday, I had Bunco at my house! It was a great time. We all dressed up and had a little Halloween bunco!

We got to go up north AGAIN and see the baby and all the family! I just went up with the kids. It was quite the experience driving with them, but it was worth it!On Thursday, JoDee had her baby girl, Lily! She is such a beautiful little baby. She weighed 4lbs 8oz and was 18inches long. She was full term, but just a little tiny gal. We are SOOOO excited for Nate & JoDee!! We got to see Brielle a whole bunch too while we were visiting in the hospital!! She is SOOOOO cute!

Hariella has said that Ella looked like Dustin since she was born, so I had to get a picture of the two of them together!

It was my Dad's birthday on Friday, so was had a little party for him! He is such a good Dad and Grandpa! We love him lots!

And then last night we went to Staheli Farms with the Lyman Family. It was a lot of fun. The boys LOVED the animals! I don't know if Ella was too fond of them though!! ha ha Carl and Nick took the boys on the little train ride. They are good Dad's to smash themselves in the little cars... it was quite a sight to see!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Mighty Hunter

Last weekend was the opening day of the deer hunt, so we went up north so that Carl could get himself a deer! There were a lot of other fun things going on too....like JaNae graduating from Ameritech, Maibel's birthday party at Chucky Cheese, shopping, eating and just hanging out with the fam!

Daddy got his deer! He was so excited...and he did everything himself (the shooting, gutting, cutting, ect.Gross!)But...not too bad for his second deer hunt ever!

JaNae had to speak at her graduation and she did such a great job! There were A LOT of people there, and she didn't sound nervous at all! We are so proud of her.

Maibel's birthday party was so fun too! She is such a sweet, pretty little girl! We love her lots! The kids weren't to fond of Chucky Cheese himself, but everyone had a great time!

The kids had fun playing in the leaves at my parents house! Carl raked them all up, and then the kids played and played! We love hanging out with our families! It is so much fun to be with everyone! We just don't like to miss out on anything!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And Four Years Later....

It is hard to believe that it has already been four years since we were married! The time goes by so fast....and so much has happened in that time! Four moves and two kids later here we are....living in St. George, just being happy and extremely grateful for everything that has happened since we have been together! Carl is such a great husband! I am so happy that he is in my life. There are so many great things about him and I truly love all of them!! I always knew that he would be an excellent dad..... but actually watching him with our kids, is the greatest thing ever! I love him very much. This has definately been the best four years, and I look forward to the years ahead!! Happy Anniversary!!!

Well, we were going to go out to dinner for anniversary, but Mac wasn't feeling to well, so we didn't want to leave him....sooooo Carl planned a little picnic instead! He called and told me to be ready by four and he would be there to pick us up. He came home and when I got in the truck there were flowers and a card sitting in the front seat. Carl is really good at picking out flowers too....he gets me all different kinds, not just roses. We pulled up to the park and he got the food ready, and then he told me to look in the flowers. I looked, and pulled out two bands for my wedding ring! He is such a great and thoughtful hubby!

I, on the other hand, did not buy him anything! Rude, I know! I tried to find something, but what do you buy for an anniversary???? Lame!! But next year I am going to get him a great anniversary gift! Sorry babe!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Little Buddies

Now that Ella is noticing McKay more, he thinks that she wants to do everything that he is doing. I was in the kitchen, when I looked in the living room and saw that Mac had put his cowboy hat on Ella, and then put his horse in front of her so she could ride it! It was so cute! She just smiled at him, and he was sooo excited that she had his hat on! I hope that they are little friends as they grow up!

McKay also has some good "little buddies" in our neighborhood! Crew, Luke, Logan and McKay play a lot together....(so do all of the mommies! ha ha). The other day, Riley and I went to run a few errands, and we turned around, to see our children both sleeping! Ella was asleep too, so it was quite a peaceful ride!! ha ha

Monday, October 6, 2008

Our Little Vacation

We were so lucky and got to go up north for two weeks with our family! We had a lot of fun! Carl hunted elk for nine days straight. He would get up at 5:00 am and not get back until about 9:30 pm! He went with Ryan (my brother-in-law) and his dad everyday! They hunted their booties off, but didn't have any luck with the elk!(I have pictures, but they are on a different camera...I will post them soon!) We had a family get together with the Robinson side, we had a baby shower for my cousin JoDee...we played with cousins, sisters, gmas and friends too! It was a great time! It is always hard to leave after we have been there so long! I miss them all tons, and Mac misses his cousins...he asks for them all day long!

Me and Carl (we are so in love...ha ha!), and the kiddos!

My sister Kara and her family, my brother Dustin, and my sister Hayley! Love them!

My cute parents!