Saturday, May 31, 2008


My last few posts have just been Ella, so i thought i would throw some pictures of Mac in!! He is so darn funny lately! He loves hats, any type of ball and most of all munching on food!! He gets the munchies from me I suppose! He is a little tornado, but he keeps us laughing all the time! I just love these kids!!

Ella's Two Week Check up

I took Ella for her two week check up on Tuesday... She weighed 7lbs 7oz and she was 20 1/4 inches long!! She has grown a ton! She still looks so tiny though! We have had so much fun with her. I don't sleep much...but that comes with a newborn! Her looks change so much everyday, but for the most part she still looks A LOT like her daddy! McKay is still being really cute with her... he has only tried to pull her off the couch a couple of times!! ha ha I thought I would post some pics of the fam with Ella.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ella's Photo Shoot

Needless to say, things have been a little hectic around our place the past ten days!! We have TWO kids! It is so crazy that it is no longer just McKay... Ella is here to join our little family! Sunni came over today and took some pictures of her. She did a GREAT job!! I love ALL of the pictures! Ella is such a great baby so far. She just sleeps...and eats...and sleeps!! But the little thing only cries when she is getting her pants changed...She doesn't like that at all! When she is awake she just lays there with her eyes open and stares..She doesn't make a peep. McKay is loving his little sister, he kisses her every time he wakes up! It is so much fun having two little rascals!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A little more Ella

Some more pics of Ella

Our new arrival

Ella Marie Wright was born 5-10-2008 at 9:24 pm. She was 5lbs 15 oz and was 18.5 inches long. She is just a little thing. She has a really sweet disposition and hardly ever cries. She has been such a blessing to our life.