Saturday, April 23

New blog!


Hahaha.. Hope to see ya over there :):):) 


Saturday, April 16

under contract

 This is the house we have put an offer on and now we're under contract!  We signed the addendum to our initial offer earlier tonight. :) They accepted our money offer and that they will pay $5,000 of the closing costs. The only things they changed were that we get the inspection done earlier than what our dates said, that already have a home warranty (we had asked for them to pay for one) and that the big screen TV that is in the basement is "worth no value" only because UHA won't let it be in the contract as part of the deal. 
The TV won't fit in their new house. It apparently works. Sweet huh?
 Look at those trees! We've only see the dead winter trees.. so this pictures gives me hope of gorgeous trees!

 Its in a cul de sac - which is awesome! The lot size is 0.34 acres! Crazy big!! Lots of yard work but.. the boys will LOVE it!! :):) 

Can't say how excited we are!!!! Cause words just can't adequately describe the excitement!! :)

We hope to close by May 26th! Which is perfect timing since our apartment lease is up on May 31! Hopefully we get to close earlier than that but we'll see! Our apartment will be packed up and ready to go either way.. :) woohoo!

Tuesday, April 12

Creighton's 10.5 months stats

A very busy,wiggly, active boy! So much so that the poor nurse had to retake both height and weight! 24 lbs 7 oz and 31.5 inches. Creighton also got his toe pricked to check his hemoglobin (only spelled it from the auto correct on my phone!) and its I think at 13.5 or 12, either way its above 11 which is good!! :)

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Sunday, April 10

cute cat

Our little cat, Millie, is surprisingly precious! I never thought I'd like a cat or be able to live with one without puffy eyes and a runny nose. I love how calm she has become. Millie is excellent with the boys! Even if Creighton pulls her hair.. in the mornings, Millie will sit at Cayden's door and meow over and over. And when he doesn't come out, she'll stick her paw under the door and play with the springy door stop.. Its hilarious but still doesn't wake up Cayden! Overall I'm happy with our cat.. except when she gets shut in Cayden's room and tears up the carpet.. but she's still my Millie :)

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Friday, April 1

Over the hill and through the woods....

or mountains.. to Grandmother's house we gooooo!!!

We're going to see my family!! Everytime we got into the van since we told Cayden we were going he was like "we go up the hill to Grandmas??" or "We go see Grandpa now?" And just now seeing this picture he said "GO TO GRANDMA'S!!!!!!" Soon Cayden.. less than an hour!! :):) Its been way too long...