Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another reaction from Grandma's gift

We let Bright pick one gift Christmas Eve under the tree
He picked a gift from Grandma Charlotte
His reaction sad but funny

She did redeem herself with other gifts that he loves.

Merry Christmas!!!

I didn't get a ton of pictures Christmas day
Bright loved opening all of his gifts
We got him a bowling kit that he loves!
more cars and trucks
Aqua doodle from our neighbor Shab
more trucks from Betsy
more cars and trucks
and more movies

It was a lot more fun this year with him than last
I know every year is going to get more and more fun!
Santa brought Daniel and I our iphone's we <3 them!
Nixon got clothes clothes and a play mat.

Santa, friends and family were very good to us and especially our boys this year!
I thought I would feel more home sick this Christmas but I actually really enjoyed it!
I felt so relaxed and loved being on our own. (shh don't tell my mom I said that)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we were pretty lazy during the day.
When it started to get closer to the Eve we went to Shorline park,
 chased ducks, ran fast, chased more ducks, and took cute pictures with dad.

We went home, had a yummy steak dinner Daniel grilled up with some veggies.
We made cookies for Santa, burnt the first batch, but got it right 2nd time around.
Brighton picked out a present under the tree to open from Grandma Charlotte, his reaction sad but funny
Got out the key so Santa could make it into the house.
Watched this video on the birth of Christ.
Stared at nixon grey and tried to wrap my brain around how Mary must have felt.
Tucked our sweet boys into bed.
Wrapped a few more presents.
Ended the night talking about what we remembered most about Christmas growing up.
It was just how I imagined our first Christmas Eve as a family of 4 (not in utah) looking.

Christmas kickoff

Well I just want to throw in here a few more pictures that really jump started the holiday spirit for us.
 As you may remember from Breakfast with Santa 

a family picture...... finally!

while in utah after nixon grey's blessing we took some family pictures
last time we took family pictures was after brighton's baby blessing

i was determined to get them done in utah
we took our camera and my sister in law took our pictures

it's amazing the kind of pictures you can get of a two year old
 when bribing them with candy 

i hope i can get more done maybe in the spring or summer 
not when the next baby comes and after his or her baby blessing :) 

Monday, December 26, 2011

"a beach mom? ya okay a beach"

this is what i hear at least once a day everyday
sometimes he says it to himself 
sometimes he says it to me

to say this kid loves the beach would be a total under statement
and here's the proof

we can't wait for warmer days so we can get back to the beach