Sunday, August 30, 2009

Baby Shower

Chelsea threw me such a nice shower. We played some games ate some good food and I got to visit with friends I had not seen in a while. Thanks to everyone who came. I am so excited for everyone to meet Brighton, mostly myself. :)

As of now I only have 3 1/2 weeks left CRAZY!!!!

Chelsea and Stephanie!

Steph and Karly

Steph and Camille

Steph and Becca

The cute onesie Chelsea bought Brighton.

Steph and Audrey

Karlee, Stephanie, and Marie

Steph, Rachel, and Megan

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ending summer with a Bang!

We Love Huntington Beach!

Trent and Lauren's Wedding!

Trent's Dad




We had a lot of fun on our last summer trip to Huntington Beach. We drove down with Toby and Annie and thankfully Aunt LaRae let us stay with her. We went to the beach and Daniel loved skim'n, he could have done that all day. He definitely still has his inner child.

Then we got to attend Trent and Lauren's wedding at the LA Temple. It was so beautiful and so BIG! We had a fun time dancing and celebrating Trent and Lauren's big day.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Going on 33 weeks!

Getting bigger and more excited for Brighton Webb to join all our adventures! I have about a week and a half until we are back in Utah. I can't wait to get everything ready and have my baby showers, thanks to Chelsea, Betsy, my Mom, Monica and Natalie.

I feel like Brighton kicks all day everyday. In the mornings when Daniel wont get out of bed I will put my stomach against Daniels back so he can feel the kicks I feel all night. That usually gets Daniel up and going.

Some other things I have experienced during these last few weeks are:
Lots of heartburn (now little Lucy says heartburn)
Getting more massages from Daniel :)
No stretch marks on the tummy yet, keeping my fingers crossed.
Shirts I could wear now sometimes show the bottom of my stomach. (not cute, stopped wearing those shirts)
Last but not least, slowly sleeping less. Getting ready for what's to come.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Giants Game!

More adventures with Daniel! He took me to the San Francisco Giants baseball game. We got to SF a little before the game. We walked around and checked out the views grabbed some dinner and went to the game.

I am very disappointed in my self though, I did not even get a Hot Dog or any kind of snack at the game. You can't go to a baseball game and not get a Hot Dog. Lesson learned for the next game.

I think in this picture it looks like I am smuggling a bowling ball into the game.

View from the stadium.

The stadium, I like that you can see the ocean in the background.

Next to the field after the game.

I like the background in this picture, it was so foggy and humid in SF.