Monday, April 13, 2015

Indigo Koz Birth Story

Indigo Koz Webb 
7lbs 15oz 
20 1/2 inches 

I had planned a scheduled induction with my Dr. at my 39 week mark. 
We had discussed my previous births and how well and fast they went, 
so he felt good about taking me a week early. 

I got to the hospital bright and early at 6:00am 
I got all checked in and ready to go. 
My Dr got there at 7am and said he was going to pop my water. 
Well when he tried to do that he said he couldn't reach it and 
I had actually closed up a bit from the week before. How could this be!? 
With all the pressure I had been feeling I thought for sure I was going to be like a 4 dilated. 

So he decided to put in a 12 hour softener (like a tampon) 
I was feeling pretty bummed it would take a lot longer than I had hoped for. 
I started getting contractions here and there but nothing too promising. 

I felt like in the beginning I was just watching the clock tic by so slowly. 
Daniel and I listened to some Damien Rice Pandora station (all time favorite btw)
Then we started to listen to the podcast serial cause I wanted Daniel to get into it. 
Although I have already listened. After an episode or two I was over that and wanted my soothing Damien Rice tunes back. 

12:00pm I started to get a little more regular contractions and feeling uncomfortable. 
Daniel kept telling me, just get your epidural. 
But I didn't want to yet. Mainly because I didn't know what I was at. 
2:30pm Ok these contractions really hurt and I'm breathing through them. 
2:40pm I asked my Nurse to check me. She did and said I was at a 5
She also had to take out the cervidil because I was contracting too many times with in the hour. 
Happy to report that was enough to do the job and I didn't need any pitocin.  
3:00pm Epidural is in and I'm ready for relief and relaxation. 
3:30 feeling good but getting pretty itchy all over my body due to epidural. 
4:00 getting nausea and can tell my body is doing it's job. 
4:30 I'm feeling some pressure
4:45 Dr. comes in says he will break my water. 
He checks me and says "oh well your fully at a 10" 
He breaks my water. 
5:00 LOTS of pressure wanting to push.
 My epidural had actually started to wear off and now it was too late to push the boost button.
By the time the medicine would have kicked in the baby would probably be out. 
Pushing with all my might and it hurts like hell! 
Getting lots of support from Daniel, nurses and Dr but really it hurt! 
I really wanted to get the baby out so I could feel some relief. 

My Dr. was so amazing and asked me what I wanted out of my labor
and I said I really just don't want to tear. 
Daniel said he could tell he was very focused on that. 
I think I pushed about about 5 or 6 sets
 5:14 after pushing with everything I had a few tears and few cuss words baby was out.

Before I started pushing my Dr had told me that he wasn't going to call out the gender 
(since we didn't know) he was going let us do that. 

My Dr wanted to let me pull the rest of my baby out and place baby on my chest. 
I was feeling so much relief from him being out I was feeling a little out of it. 
I went to grab my baby feeling weak and he slipped right through my hands. 
Good thing my Dr. doesn't pull the bed apart he just sits to the side and he was right there or else baby would be on the floor. The nurse grabbed baby and placed him right on my chest. I pulled up his leg and shouted out "It's a Boy!! and he looks just like Brighton!" 

Honestly I was more surprised that he looked like Brighton than the fact that he was a boy. 
I was 90% sure baby was a boy.
That other 10% came into my mind here and there that it could be a girl but just couldn't imagine it. 
I'm not sure if I really had a "mothers intuition" that it was a boy
 or if I just couldn't imagine a girl after being around Boys. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014



Pretty much these pictures are all over the place, 
But I kind of just don't care to organize them. 

That's really been my motto during this pregnancy. 
I just don't care. 
Much about anything really. 
It's been a good thing and a bad thing I guess. 
For the most part though it's helped me have very little stress. 

Anyways back to this amazing vacation that I really wish I was on right now
 after my day with a little mr nixon

This was my favorite island. 
We stayed that the Turtle Bay Hotel and it was awesome! 
We told them it was our honeymoon and got put into the cottage suites. 
It was like a dream. 

The food was great, beach was great, and the Temple was Beautiful. 
We were able to do a session and it was a lot of fun. 

We also saw the the Pearl Harbor Monument 
There is just no place like Hawaii 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


After we spent a few nights in Hana, 
we went back down the mountain to a more populated area of Maui. 
With all the big hotels and more people and traffic. 

We stayed in the Westin and it was a beautiful hotel and area. 
We had some amazing acai bowls and ate at an amazing restaurant in Lahaina. 
We had a lot of fun there too but I was excited to see Oahu and be in a less populated area. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hawaii Road to Hana

While in Hawaii we stayed in 3 different places. 
We dropped off the boys with my mom and sister and set off for Hawaii 
This was our first time leaving the kids for longer than 24 hours. 

Our first destination was Maui and we did the road to Hana and stayed in Hana. 
It was so beautiful! The drive was pretty windy and we heard it would be, 
but we stopped so much I don't feel sick at all. 

There was so much to see with all the waterfalls and scenery. 
Seriously amazing!

When we got to Hana there is one Hotel up there. 
Ran by all the locals. 
It was the most relaxed I have ever felt. 
No tv, no cars really, just peace the beach and locals.