Just joke only.. I think most of cat's owner will know cat like to sleep in high place.
In my house there are a cat has that attitude too.
Like to get a high location for his place...
The cat are really tired.
Cat apartment.. Not too high but still high for cat.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Cat's apartment
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Cat waiting for her dinner
This cat is very naughty and always 'meowing' when my family lunch or dinner..She always disturbed us and always being scolded by my bro.. But she's not care.. She don't know our language ma...
Look at the picture and watch her tongue.. It always happen to cats..They had long tongue..
Waiting if our family eating..
Still waiting with his tongue show..
Frustrated face..
Monday, January 25, 2010
6 kitten already
Yesterday, I wrote that we just have 2 kitties. One already plus 1 born. But I'm totally wrong..
After back home from work, there are 4 more kitten in the box..
It means there are 6 baby cats.. What a big family.. There are some speculation that another cat are pregnant.. Hohohoho... Our home will full of cats again..
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Another cat born in my house
Oooo. Another cat born in my house. One of our cat's called 'Singa' gave birth a son/daughter ( don't know the gender yet).. Luckily it is just a kitten only ( most of cat give 3 son)..
This is the picture..
p/s : I know that the word 'birth' is wrong. Please help me. Give the right word..
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Another cat sent to my house
I don't know why our become a place for sent little kitty..
The kitten is still babies and they just throw to our house.
Sorry the picture is not clear enough.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Can't get in
Sometimes, we put the cat out of our house..
The funniest is when they tried to get in. The gate space is not big enough for them to get into the house...
Let's see this picture..
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Wargh wargh!!
In this entry I just want to share my cat that really noisy. If he meow, her face become like a tiger. Let's take a look.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Alternative door for cat
My cat's is very creative. At night we will close the door but the cat need to go out. She has an alternative. She using the windows . This method has been using from generation to generation..
Look at the pic..
Isn't she clever? She can using the window even she is pregnant...
Thanks for reading this blog..
Friday, January 15, 2010
Like mother like daughter
This is picture of cat with her daughter. Like mother like daughter. Her daughter fur is really the same. But sadly again the daughter can survive in this real life. After 2 months she die because of sick. Don't know about it but that's the life cylcle of cats.
Look at how the cat really care about their daughter. Sometimes I'm really shock why human not care about their son/daughter.
Very tired cat
We've get many cats before ( around 20) in our house. But there are gone, some of them die or running without trace.
In this picture is a laziest cat that lived in my house. Sadly, she die after get accident with my father car. We called her 'taktak' . Yeah strange name.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wonderpets Lover..
One of the cat in my house is a wonderpets lover.. Don't know wonderpets?? Turn on channel TV9 at 2.30 p.m and you know it.. She really really likes wonderpets that she will focus on tv when the show aired.. Don't believe it?? Look at the image below..
Monday, January 11, 2010
Cat Also Want To Be Rider..
This is the habit of the cats in my house.. They like to sit on my motorcycle's seat and then scratch it.. But some of them are good and just want to feel how to be a professional rider.. Let's look at the image below..
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Milk for Kitty
In my house there are a kitten called 'Gemok' that really like milk.
When he get the milk bottle , he will drink like a babies... Very funny
We give the milk because she don't have any mother to feed the milk. For your info, milk for kitten is different than human milk. Never use our regular milk like F&N because it will make your kitten sick...
In my place it ain't easy to find kitty milk. I've go to 'Family Store' supermarket to buy it. And the price also not cheap.. Almost like Anlene price. :)
Okay.. That's all for today....
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Weird Way To Sleep
I think some of you might have look sleeping cat, right?? Do you ever think there are much more ways for the cat to sleep?? The images below show one way for a cat to sleep..
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What is she wait?
I don't know what this cat is waiting.. Maybe waiting for her lover or watch the panorama in my backyard. She is the noises cat in my house.. I think she is lonely..
Monday, January 4, 2010
Cat play with slipper
This little kitty like to play with my slipper.
Don't know why he like this rubber slipper. It don't have any smell. Maybe the skin of slipper attaract him..
Friday, January 1, 2010
Catz Blog In Da House
My house always accompanied with cat eventhough we're not a cat lover..
This blog will share the cat in my house..
This is old picture. Some of them die already..