Raymond and Busby: Hoosier Cats
We're two cat brothers who live in a little house in Bloomington, Indiana. You can also follow us on Facebook! Welcome to our blog!

Friday, May 6, 2016
Hello! An update...
Purrs friends! It has been ages since we have blogged and we wanted to update everyone on what we have been up to.
Our humans quit their jobs (well, our non-blog Mom retired) and sold our little house by the sea. On February 1, 2016 we pulled up to our new home in Bloomington, Indiana. Indiana is where our blog Mom is from originally and Bloomington is the town where she went to college. It is a sweet town that is closer to our blog Mom's human family. It is also a place where both of our Moms can work less and play more because the cost of living is much more realistic than California.
To make our move to Indiana, we rode in the car for FIVE days! We had a nice big soft-sided kennel that was seat belted in to the back seat of our Mom's car. We would ride for about six hours a day and then stay at motels (mostly La Quinta Inn) at night. We loved it! We slept all day when the car was moving and then at night we would explore exciting new sights and smells in the motel. It was great!
Now we are living in a rental house in Bloomington until our Moms find a new place to buy. They have looked at a LOT of houses and they think they may have found "the one". Apparently buying a new human house requires a lot of paper work and inspections and negotiations and stuff. We are hoping to be in our new house by the end of July.
Recently, Busby was not feeling great and so our Moms found a Vet here in Bloomington. The Vet did some tests and Busby ended up having surgery yesterday. The Vet found a mass in Busby's intestines. She gave our Mom's the option of sending Busby over the rainbow bridge, or removing the mass and letting Busby come home. My Mom's had a long talk with the Vet and long story short, BUSBY IS HOME!! He has some stitches on his belly where the Vet took out a bunch of his intestines. He has to stay in a big kennel that our Moms are calling "the recovery room" for a bit, so they can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't jump.
The Vet said Busby may be around another 6 months or so, we are hoping it's more.
We still hardly ever blog, but we will try to blog a bit more.
xo, Raymond
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Hi friends! We wanted to post today in honor of a dear friend to many, and a real superstar of the blogosphere Mango. We are sure you all ready heard the sad news, that our friend Mango crossed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday.
Mango was a big dog with an even bigger heart. What we loved about the Mango Man was his sense of humor. He just cracked us up. He was a gentle giant and he hosted the very popular Mango Minster contest for many years. (we were SO honored when he asked us to be judges one year!)
Mango was a friend to every creature who blogged and then some. We are going to miss that guy so much.
To Mango's family, we thank you so much for sharing the Mango Man with us via the blogosphere. You gave him such a distinct voice, we all felt like we really knew him. How lucky Mango was to be so well loved for his whole life. We are honored to have known him.
Mango's Momma posted a lot of Youtube videos over the years, and we wanted to share this video of the Baby Mango, who was relentlessly huge even as a puppy.
We love you Mango, thanks for everything. xoxo, Raymond and Busby
Monday, June 4, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Two-fur Tuesday
Hello friends! Yes, we are still here in blogland! We are alive and well and hanging out in the sunny spots as usual. Our Moms are working a lot and when they aren't working they seem to be doing everything BUT blogging! We wanted to check in and tell you all that we are okay.
We hope you are all fine too! We haven't been visiting many blogs lately, but we keep up with the news from the blogosphere as best we can.
Happy Tuesday! xoxo, Raymond and Busby
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Tuesday Dibs and Dabs
Oh hello! You don't know me but I ran into Raymond and Busby's Moms the other day when they were on a walk in their neighborhood. They were VERY chatty. (TOO chatty if you ask me!) They told me all about Raymond and Busby and how they have a blog and how they haven't been posting very much. You can see by the look on my face that I wasn't very sympathetic.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Mancat Monday
Hello friends! Some of you may have heard (via the Facebook thingy) that Raymond has been feeling yuck. I am glad to report he is feeling much better. He was having a bit of stomach trouble. Our Moms made him some chicken broth and that's all both of us ate for 24 hours. Sometimes a little fasting does the trick.
A little napping always helps too! Happy Monday friends!
xoxo, Busby
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