Sunday, May 18, 2014

Stella Says Sketch WINNERS

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
And Stella's got our winners for the Stella Says Sketch Challenge 209!

Did you play along?  Are you one of our winners?

Well, we'd like to CONGRATULATE our WINNERS this week!

Imke - Winner of 7 Bugaboo Stamps Digis
Joanna M - Winner of 4 Bugaboo Stamps Digis
Cindy M - Winner of 2 Bugaboo Stamps Digis

Be sure to join us this week for the newest Stella Says Sketch challenge and YOUR name and project could be here and YOU could be one of our WINNERS!
Happy Craftin'!


Cazzy said...

Congratulations to you all, your cards are lovely!

Imke said...

Doing the happy dance, thanks for picking my card and congrats to the other winners, Joanna and Cindy!!