I really am humble- no, really- so I feel a bit sheepish for posting about this. But, I want to remember some things, and I like words, so here it is. Tim and I spoke in church yesterday together. He only agreed because they let him go first. He's certain that the last time we spoke together I only spoke 5 minutes and left him with 30. I definitely don't remember it like that. So we spoke, and he went first and he did such a great job!! I asked him all week what things he was going to talk about and he was all secrecy about it, in large part to annoy me, which it did. So when I finally heard it, I was reminded of all the things I love about him- that he pretends not to care about stuff, but he actually quite deeply cares, and that the gospel is rooted deep in his blood, and he's real about it. He was funny, loving, honest, and, man, says what he believes. I knew he'd say good things- he doesn't talk a lot, but when he does, people listen. In fact, all week long I