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Showing posts from March, 2017

Leavening Bread

A few months ago I decided to study the Word of Wisdom more, in depth. There's the story in the Bible of Daniel who got sent to the courts of Nebuchanadnezzar... he was asked to eat the meats and wine of the king, to which he refused and asked for pulse (grains) and water. He asked for a 10-day trial and, compared to the others, his knowledge, wisdom,  and everything else was 10 times that of others. Obviously that's the short story.  Then you have Joseph Smith who received  revelation on good things and harmful things for our bodies -- ages before science caught up with the same ideas.  That too is the short story.  So my study started with grains. I feel like they get a bad rap in today's world, especially wheat... and I feel like something that's been around for centuries (well, beginning of the earth, probably), and that is part of a "good to eat food" according to God (who knows more than the rest of us), is probably not really bad. The world has pr

Last week and weekend... again...

Abby went on vacation this week so the girls and I have been hanging out. They came to work with me Monday because I figured I'd stay an hour of the meeting I needed to be in. I stocked them up with lunch, treats, and Moana and my friend across the hall help them when needed.  Well... one hour turned into two and a half!! I thought they'd be dead or close to when I finally got done, but nope!! Happy clams who basically killed my office. I should have taken a picture. Talk about a tornado! Tuesday we went to the library. Micah wore her bike helmet (as she also did at the grocery store and everywhere else we went). All of them LOVE, love, love the library. I love it too and who knew the Lehi library could actually have all the things we searched for. Compared to the Lehi library I grew up with- this is a big deal... I worked Wednesday and Oma and the girls had a great time as always. I met a family who maybe didn't know their limit on the number of kids they sh

Last Weekend

Perfect day- finally warm spring weather, no emergencies, nothing to catch up on that I didn't already want to do.  The girls and I hit Smith's in our pj's at 7 a.m. for eggs and they walked out with doughnuts too. We tried inside chores but the sunshine called and out we went.  I love the smell and look of a freshly mowed lawn!! After raking all the leftover twigs and leaves, and fertilizing after, I'm counting it as my workout today. New garden is coming and the girls and I toured and awed over the new IFA. It's a silly thing but it's a good store! Guess this was last night, and it is silly to take pics of things like meals, but it reminded me of spring and tasted like it too...  Tonight we stopped by my brother Ty's to give Amber bread-- she's  been  mega sick.  I told Tim she had scurvy-because I couldn't remember and thought it sounded right. Incorrect.   Pleurisy.  Haha...  While there we watched their totally awesome funny goa

You've got a friend in me!

I've been really stressed lately, grumpy, frustrated, stretched too thin, and full of tears.  Gah!! In some ways, work has kind of been my salvation.  Not my actual work, haha, because that's just a circus.  But the people I work with are some of my closest peeps.  In the last few weeks especially, when I've cried off way too much mascara, my work friends have come running with love and support!  I'm very, very grateful for the friendships I have and continue to make.   This last Thursday I had to have a hard conversation with a friend and I couldn't have asked for a better example of love, charity, and forgiveness.  I was reminded that a smile and kindness sure go a long way and that those we call friends are great to have.  I left hoping to be that kind of friend to someone else.  I was again instantly reminded of all the very good people in my life and reminded that in the hard times, gratitude goes a long way to heal sadness and have hope; especially gratitude f


About a month ago Copper and I were talking; I reminded her of the good memory she was blessed with and a love of learning, then told her she could learn anything she wanted to.  I asked, "Of all the things on the whole earth, what do you want to learn about next?"  After some contemplating she returned to say she wanted to learn how to do her own laundry.  Ha!  So she made a chart of washer/dryer instructions, temperature, sorting, etc. etc.  She was a pro from load one.  Sweet. Copper likes to: draw, write, read, craft, sew, cook, ride her bike, and everything in between.  She loves grape flavored water and pancakes rolled up (crepes) with syrup.  She loves her sisters to the moon and back.  She reads like a pro and wants to be a scientist. I've been telling Micah that she can sleep with me as long as her little body and mind and heart need to- as long as she starts off in her own bed.  She and I are attached, sometimes endearingly and sometimes annoyingly.  Tim a