Here's what I've been given for Mother's Day... Love it! Here's my thought on Mother's Day and Motherhood. While it's nice to be acknowledged and appreciated and given a day of my own, it's not really a day of my own nor is it about me. There are many people who are and have been mothers to me and to my girls. I'm quite blessed to have such very strong, wonderful examples in my life. Although, I sure like to pretend Mother's Day is all about me. :) Look at these beauties. Dakota: determined, stubborn, persistent. She knows what she wants! She's a big chatter and loves to talk. She's quick to figure out gadgets, games, and electronics. She loves to read. She drinks half a gallon of milk daily. Geez. She loves to swing high (in our harnessed chair only). She doesn't like risky stuff and takes a while to decide to try something new. She's so funny sometimes; for example, when I told her I needed to change my cl