This is what I have been feeling more than
anything lately. We have been so blessed, and I don't even know where to begin
to show how grateful I am. A "thank you" is such an understatement
for the way we feel about the help and prayers offered by those around us.
Friends, family, neighbors, and people we don't even know, have truly given us
so much more than we deserve. I do feel
that Kaelyn deserves these things, but as her parents, I don't know that we do?
The help we have received financially has certainly lightened our load and
allowed us to put more of our concern on our children as opposed to
overwhelming our minds with questions and the stress of how to pay for this
medical help. So to all of those who
have contributed in any way, thank you.
The help we have received with friends and neighbors being able to watch
Isaac at the last minute when we have to run to the doctor unexpectedly has
been amazing. It is hard not being near
family at a time like this, let alone being still somewhat new to the area we
are in. We are so grateful to all who
have offered to watch Isaac and who have dropped their plans to help us
out. Thank you. The help we have received from thoughts, and
most especially prayer, has been astounding.
If you told me a year ago that I would be going through something of
this magnitude, I would have imagined myself as a huge, emotional, stress
case. That has certainly not been the
case, and I attribute the strength and faith I have felt to the many prayers
coming our way. Also, Kaelyn has done
very well with her treatment and has handled being cooped up in the house or
being sick very well. Thanks to everyone
who has thought of Kaelyn and expressed your love and friendship in so many
different ways. I know Kaelyn has felt of your love and she has become a
better, more loving child through all of this.
And she's really cool. Look at that hair growing in!!