Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snow Time

We got home from our trip to Arizona and woke up to snow all over. Thanks goodness it fell after we got home. Ryanne got Spencer all dressed up to enjoy the snow. Here is what happened:

Here is what happened after Ryanne brought Spencer back inside:

Thanksgiving with the cousins

After spending time in Tempe watching our friend John Emmett finish his first Ironman and then spending time with our friend Jason Mathew Fuller down in Tempe, AZ we headed up to Snowflake, AZ to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with Ryanne's sister Cassie and her family. We were able to spend almost a whole week with them. We had a great time relaxing and having time for Spencer to play with  his cousins. They had so much fun together. It was nice for Casey and Ryanne because Spencer's cousins Justin and Jessica played with him so much that we got some time off. Here are some photos of what we did:

The first time eating carrots

The boys (Justin, Caleb and Spencer)

Thanksgiving dinner

There was snow on the ground Thanksgiving morning, Justin and Jessica made sure to get outside and have some fun.

 Justin having some great fun with Spencer.

The cousins

Our little Indian ready to attack

Ironman Arizona

I (Casey) have to take a moment and congratulate a good friend of mine, John Emmett. John recently completed his first Ironman in Arizona. For those of you that know me, I love triathlons. If it wasn't for John, I would never have gotten into triathlons. It was a couple of years ago that John asked me if I would go with him down to St. George and do a triathlon with him. I found out later he asked me because he didn't want to do it by himself. I'm glad he did. We were able to go over to Arizona and cheer him on. It was so much fun. I ended up signing up to do my second Ironman next year in Arizona.

Great job John!

While we were cheering on John, Spencer was staying busy as well.

In the end, Spencer had just too much fun and tuckered himself out.

6 month photos

 We took Spencer in to get some photos taken for his 6 month mark. As first time parents we did not realize how hard this was going to be. During the shoot Spencer did a great job, that would make our job harder later. When it came time to review his photos we had the hardest time deciding which photos to buy. If we had it our way we would have bought every single one. After going back and forth many times we finally decided on the following photos. Hopefully when we go and get his 1 year old photos it will be a lot easier.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bath time fun!

We gave Spencer a bath this morning and ended up having lots of fun. Because he does not like to sit still, we think he gets it from his dad, we have found putting him in a little tub helps keep him in one spot, well kinda. As Spencer was playing today he found the edge of the tub and next thing you know he is holding onto the edge and standing up. WHAT! This happened as Casey had a computer next to him and was looking at something and as he looked over at Spencer, he was standing. Casey's first reaction was to call Ryanne to come and see this awesome event. Ryanne came in and Casey explained what happened with him looking at the computer and then looking over and seeing Spence standing. Ryanne responded with, "You need to make sure you are watching him. I don't want a kid with brain damage because he fell out of the tub." Thank goodness Spencer has a mom that is always looking out for his safety.

Fall Fun

The other day we were out at a park with some friends. I took Spencer over to a pile of leaves to take some pictures.

Then Cooper and Jackson saw what was happening and wanted to be a part of the fun.

The the other neighborhood kids did not want to be left out and this is what ended up happening.
As you can see Spencer has lots of neighborhood friends and he can't wait till he learns to walk and can go and play with all the boys that live around here.

Feeding Frenzy

We started Spencer on rice cereal. The first day he did not know what to do when we put the cereal in his mouth and did not eat a lot. The second day he opened his mouth and was eating a little bit. He would even lean forward into the spoon to get some of the food stuff. On the third day he started grabbing for the spoon and would help us put it in his mouth. We would then let him hold it as he would keep it in his mouth and play with the spoon for a bit before wanting some more.
In a few days we are going to try out some vegetables and see how that goes.